As you know that all girls like to apply make-up on their face. Even if you are a girl, you love to buy the make-up products from the market but just buying the make-up product is not enough.
It is very important to apply the make-up products very carefully so that you look beautiful.
There are different ways to apply the products of beauty. You should learn first before applying any product directly on your face.
There are different tutorials available on net and on you-tube so that you will get to know how to apply them.
Now, talking about your eyebrows, it is the most important thing on your face which makes you beautiful and pretty but to make it look beautiful it is very important that you should maintain it properly so that it does not look awkward on your face.
There are some of the girls who do not like their natural eyebrows and they all wanted to change their natural eyebrows by making them bold or edgy.
For doing so, it is very important that you should be careful. It is not at all a difficult task but it needs attention so that you will be able to draw the eye brow of your choice on your face which will look natural as well as beautiful.
Eyebrows play a very important role on your face and it contributes a lot while you are doing make-up on your face.
All the make-up products like eye liner, eye shadow, mascara are generally applied on your eyes and it is very important for you to keep your eye brows beautiful and natural so that the other beauty products will look beautiful on your eyes.
The thing is that if you will not draw the eye brows which will look beautiful then it may destroy all your beauty.
Now, here are the simple and easy 6 steps through which you will be able to apply and draw the eye brows which will look very beautiful and natural on your face:
1. First step is that you should clean your face clearly and carefully so that all the dust and dead cells will get removed from your face and you will be able to draw your eyebrows.
After that, you have to use a spoolie brush which is very easily available in the market.
By using this, you have to comb your eyebrows in the upward direction so that all the hairs of your eyebrows will get clean and clear.
2. Second step is that you have to be careful while choosing the shape of your eye brow.
You should choose the best shape of the eyebrow for your face which will suit you the best. It should not be too thin and not too thick which will look very awkward.
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You have to be sure about the shape of your eye brow which will make your face more beautiful.
3. After deciding the shape of the eye brow, you have to draw the outline for the same.
It is advisable that you should firstly draw the outline of the lower part of your eyebrows by combing your eyebrows in the upward direction and after doing that, you have to comb your natural eyebrows in the downward direction to draw the upper part of your eyebrows.
In this way, you have to draw the outline of your eyebrows.
4. After making the outline of the shape of the eye brows which you have to make, you have to fill the gaps so that it will look natural and beautiful.
You have to fill that gap very carefully so that it will look very much natural. Draw some light strokes and dark strokes in those gaps.
5. After filling those gaps, you have to take the spoolie brush again and comb your eyebrows but not harshly.
Just gently brush your eyebrows to give them the shape.
6. After that, you can use the concealer and the highlighter to make them more beautiful and to clean the area which is not required.
In this way, you will be able to draw the eye brows which will look very natural on your face.