weight lossHealth

How To Lose Weight But Not Increase Height?

How to lose weight but not increase height

Losing weight and wondering if weight loss is linked to height? Losing weight might be one of the most difficult tasks and undoubtedly requires a lot of dedication.

You can gain weight due to numerous factors and these are mostly related to your lifestyle, diet, hormonal changes, and chronic conditions.

If you are planning to lose weight and worried if it will have any effect on your height; you will be glad to know there is barely any link between your weight and height.

Your height is completely based on your bone structure and their size; whereas weight gain is nothing but deposition of fat at various parts of your body.

Losing weight is getting rid of that fat from different parts of your body and that barely has any effect on your bone structure or size.

There have been several studies that prove how neither weight gain nor weight loss will have an effect on your height.

These studies have been officially accepted and have proved with the course of time that your height will absolutely remain unaffected by weight loss.

Now, you have a reason to stop worrying about the fact that your weight loss might increase your height. It will not! However, it is observed that excessive weight gain might alter your body posture or affect your spine.

If you started gaining weight during the early years of your life and if you are excessively obese, you might observe a 2-4 inch difference in your height after weight loss.

This happens due to a change in your body posture which eventually improves after weight loss.

Your height will not change or alter if you lose a few kilos/pounds. However, if you lose excess of weight, you might observe a 2-inch increase due to improvement in body posture.

Some of the ways you can lose weight but not increase height are:

1) Increase your Protein and Fiber Intake:

When you cut down your daily consumption of carbohydrates, it is advised by the experts to increase your daily intake of proteins and fiber on the side.

Proteins will help your body in building up muscle mass and at the same time fulfill the daily essential requirements of your body. Fiber plays an important role in reducing your appetite and losing weight.

2) Cardio Exercises:

Losing the stubborn fat by merely making changes in your diet is impossible. Aerobic exercises help in the permanent reduction of belly fat and help your body burn the extra fat on your thighs along with your arms.

It was found that people who do cardio on a daily basis are more prone to lose weight than the ones who do not practice or do cardio.

3) Lift weights:

Weight lifting is one important type of exercise that aid in efficient and quick weight loss. It does so by helping you gain muscle mass and lose extra fat altogether.

So make sure you don’t miss out on weight lifting if you need a quick way of losing weight effectively.

Practice yoga, meditation, opt for a healthy lifestyle, and avoid junk to lose weight effectively.

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