BeautyHealthSkin Care

How to Get Rid of Hand Wrinkles in Two Days


Hand wrinkles or wrinkles on your skin are common. These are nothing but the loosened skin that gets folded due to lack of collagen, a protein that maintains the elasticity of your skin.

The skin might get loosened due to several factors, the most common factor being- old age.

Old age is the most common factor that leads to the occurrence of wrinkles. This happens as the amount of collagen in your skin decreases and therefore, your skin loosens up.

Your body also reduces the formation of collagen. The skin loosens up as you age and loses weight. Your skin becomes delicate and thin that makes it look unattractive.

If you don’t start taking care of your skin from a younger age, the formation of wrinkles can occur earlier than expected. However, there are several simple ways that will help you in getting rid of wrinkles within a few days.

Some of the easy and simple methods to get rid of your hand wrinkles naturally are:

1) Olive oil:

There are several natural oils that are beneficial for your skin. Olive oil helps in tightening your skin and also helps in keeping your skin hydrated. Olive oil also moisturizes your skin and works wonders if you use it every day on your hands.

Apply some olive oil on your hands and massage it thoroughly for 10 minutes. Leave it overnight and you can observe the changes within a few uses.

2) Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is another natural oil that helps in moisturizing and tightening your skin. Coconut oil is not only recommended to get rid of your hand wrinkles but also your face wrinkles.

Apply this oil and massage your hands for 5 minutes. Leave this overnight and moisturize your hands with a suitable moisturizer. Do this every day for some amazing results.

3) Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E oil is an essential that is known for some incredible skin benefits. This oil helps in tightening your skin, maintaining the moisture of your skin and keeps it hydrated.

It helps in boosting the production of collagen and helps in effective tightening your skin. Massage your hands every day with this essential oil and leave it overnight.

4) Coffee scrub:

Exfoliation is important to make your hands look younger and fade the wrinkles away. Make the coffee scrub by mixing 2 tbsp of coffee, 2 tbsp of coconut oil, and 1 tbsp of sugar in a bowl.

Apply this scrub on your hands and leave it for 5 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and pat dry. Apply moisturizer on your hands and helps your hands to stay hydrated.

5) Lemon juice and sugar:

This is another scrub that works as an excellent scrub and works as an excellent exfoliator. Add 4 tbsp of lemon juice and add 2 tbsp of sugar in a bowl.

Apply this scrub on your hands and leave it on your hands for 10 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and apply coconut oil on your hands. Leave it overnight and you will see some amazing changes within a few uses.

Some tips that will prevent further occurrence of hand wrinkles are:
  • Manicure- go for a manicure at least once a month.
  • Use aloe vera for keeping your hands moisturized and hydrated.
  • Don’t forget to exfoliate your hands.
  • Use firming creams
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Exercise and build muscle mass
  • Wear a sunscreen

These were the simple ways you can get rid of hand wrinkles naturally

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