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How I Easily Balanced My Hormones With This One Thing?


Our hormones affect us practically from everywhere. Our moods, appetite, brain function, how we think and feel, our weight play a huge part in our stress levels.

After I turned 14 and growing up, my hormones are always pretty up and down. Pretty much anything could make me angry or burst into tears, and my cramps were debilitating. I could not keep my skin clear because of excess oil. I had a really hard time focusing, and keeping my weight under control.

12 years later, I am figuring out how to take care of my hormone level. A lot of it has to do with improved diet and exercising regularly.

Today I want to tell you about the one amazing supplement that I take to keeps my hormones in check. It has erased PMS symptoms from my monthly cycle.

I am talking little to no crying,

little to no emotional meltdowns,

and I am way less crampy and bloated during my cycle.

Taking this supplement has truly worked wonders for me over the course of the last six months.


Host Defence is a brand that I originally found at Vitamin Shoppe, and is a line of supplements all based around mushrooms. It improves hormone balance naturally. Host Defense’s MycoBotanicals Woman supplement is plant based and organic, made with:Turkey Tail(mushroom), Shatavari(root), Broccoli sprouts powder, Reishi(mushroom), Maitake(mushroom), Mesima(mushroom), and Chasteberry seed extract.


It is mushroom that looks like a Turkey Tail. It improves immune system health. Mushroom will fight cancer cells and strengthen the body’s wellness at the same time.


It referred to as SUPREME WOMEN’S TONIC. It helps to increase ovulation, aids in keeping sexual organ tissue from becoming too dry helping with fertility. It used in Ayurvedic medicine as a female hormone balancer. Shatavari stimulates endorphins to help with mood-swings, improve digestion and improve immune system health.

You don’t get results from going to the gym once a week, and you won’t see results the day after you work out. It requires consistency. It took me about 3 weeks to start feeling the effects of the Host Defence Woman formula. Natural supplements take time to build up in your system.


It is an easy to use solution for Women looking to feel better, have more energy and normalize their cycle.

The hardest part of balancing your hormones is knowing where to start, and what to do.

Once you get started, everything else becomes easier for you.

So, Try this one thing to balance your hormones. This will definitely help you.

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