Our heart is like a 24-hour oil pumping machine. Instead of oil, it pumps blood, which is the fuel for the human body. It is a great blessing that even after working so hard some of us actually get to enjoy our heart and life to the fullest. For those who are not so lucky have to deal with the repercussions of a failing heart.
“What is a heart murmur?” It is a whooshing sound coming from the heart due to troubled blood flow. A heart murmur can be a birth defect or even be developed in the later stages of life. Initially, heart murmurs do not need treatment to be managed and they do not disturb life. But, if left unattended they can cause various issues with serious symptoms that will need treatment.
#1 symptom of heart murmur-Anemia
You must have heard doctors and mothers emphasize more on iron-rich food. That is because iron is an essential element for hemoglobin which in turn is responsible for oxygen transportation in the blood. A low influx of iron means less oxygen output. Due to the lack of oxygen, the other organs of the body will not function properly.
Anemia is a lack of hemoglobin and is known to be the number one cause of heart murmur. Less oxygen in the body weakens not only the immune system but also the other internal organs.
#2 symptom of heart murmur-Blue skin
Rosy cheeks aren’t always cosmetic related. Cheeks get a slight pink hue on them when the body gets enough oxygen. This indicates that the blood flow is good and is supporting the body functions well.
You must have heard the term “he/she is turning blue” in movies or in real life. It is not because they have ingested a blue color but it’s due to lack of oxygen. With no oxygen, the cheeks aren’t rosy anymore. Blue skin indicates anemia. You will notice that people who are anemic have a pale blue shadow on their lips and on their fingertips. Lack of oxygen means the heart isn’t pumping blood properly due to a heart murmur.
#3 symptom of heart murmur-Dizziness
Feeling lighted headed is not something anyone should encourage. There could be an underlying serious cause to it. The brain needs lots of oxygen to control the body. Without oxygen, it will fail in its job and hence the body isn’t able to support itself. Due to the lack of oxygen in our brain, we feel lightheaded. At times trying to get up quickly or even having not eaten for a while can cause dizziness. It is usually harmless and the person recovers quickly.
Feeling dizzy constantly is not a sign of good health. Patients with heart murmur often complain of dizziness. With the heart not pumping enough blood and less oxygen flow to the brain, dizziness cannot be avoided unless medical attention is sought.
#4 symptoms of heart murmur-Large veins
Our heart has a rhythm with which it pumps blood. When at rest, the rhythm slows and during activity, the rhythm gets fast. In patients with a heart murmur, this rhythm does not run at a normal pace. It stays abnormal for a longer duration and the patient appears to be very restless.
An abnormal heartbeat leads to abnormal flow in the blood. Due to this irregular blood flow patterns, the veins in the body expand. These large veins are clearly visible on the neck and back of the hands where the skin is not too thick. Even if a heart ailment does not exist and the veins are largely visible, please seek medical attention.
#5 symptoms of heart murmur-shortness of breath
No oxygen = no life. The process of breathing is simple. Lungs absorb the air which we breathe in and give out oxygen. This oxygen is then sent to the heart to be delivered to every nook and corner of the body as oxygenated blood. What happens if the process goes wrong? Disturbed oxygen flow= shortness of breath.
Herat murmurs if left untreated disturb the blood flow and the body falls short on oxygen. Due to a decreased oxygen supply, an individual can feel short of breath and undergoes heavy physical effort. Seek immediate medical advice if you feel shortness of breath even at rest.
#6 symptoms of heart murmur-pain in the chest
Chest pains should not be taken lightly. It is a red flag of impending danger on life and medical attention is mandatory in such a situation. Chest pains are painful and timely medical intervention helps.
It’s not rare that patients with chest pains are diagnosed to have a heart murmur. Although not life-threatening as the pain would be tolerable and mistaken to be acid reflux or gas.
#7 symptoms of heart murmur-thyroid issues
Hormones practically run our mood cycle. These hormones are produced by the thyroid gland and are quite essential for living a healthy all-rounded life. Normal blood is required to keep the thyroid gland in an efficient working condition.
Due to poor blood flow which generally is the case in heart murmurs, the thyroid gland does not perform well. Due to a poor functioning thyroid, a person may feel fatigued, depressed, and cold, and think without clarity.
#8 symptoms of heart murmur-infection in the heart
It cannot be stressed enough as to how important healthy blood flow is for nourishing our body. Due to the lack of nutrients and oxygen, our immune system will fail to protect us from infections.
In a condition called infective endocarditis, the bacteria set up home in the heart blood vessels. If the blood flow is normal, chances of bacteria being swept are high, in heart murmurs the blood flow is regular so the bacteria stays steady and grows thus causing an infection. Antibiotics help in this situation and in rare cases, surgery is required.
#9 symptoms of heart murmur-loss of appetite
Healthy appetite = good health. What happens if you suddenly lose interest in food never regain your appetite back? A very evident sign of heart murmur is the loss of appetite.
Rapid weight loss is never good. No nutrients mean no energy to keep the immune system going. A weak immunity makes the body vulnerable to infections. Patients diagnosed with heart infections need to eat healthy to keep infections at bay.
#10 symptoms of heart murmur-bloating
Bloating is common due to indigestion and gases but it is related to a heart murmur.
The heart not only is responsible to carry the blood to organs but also collects the impure blood back. In heart murmurs, this flow is disrupted due to which fluids get accumulated. This collection of fluids is also called as bloating. It can be very painful and uncomfortable.