There are so many over the counter medicines, shampoos, serums for hair growth and nurturing, but those are generally not the ideal choice considering the sky-high prices or the ultimate side effects that they have. In such a scenario, the go-to option is definitely DIY masks that help combat various hair related problems and optimize hair growth.
One such mask is egg white and lemon hair mask. It is one of the simplest masks that help hair grow manifold and also tackle problems like dandruff, hair fall itchy scalp. All you will need for this mask are the ingredients that you will easily find at home.
You will need
- 1. 1 egg
- 2. 2 spoons yogurt
- 3. 1 lime
- 4. 1 spoon castor oil
- Crack open the egg and separate egg yolks from whites.
- In a bowl, add egg whites and all other ingredients.
- Apply this on the scalp first, and then slowly apply it on hair and finally on hair tips.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap just to avoid dripping.
- After it dries in an hour or two, wash it with COLD water. Keep this in mind that this needs to be washed with cold water and not hot water. As hot water may cause eggs to form lumps in hair, and it will be highly difficult to remove.
- Now, wash it in the usual way with shampoo and conditioner.
- You can see the results in just one or two weeks of doing this exercise.
How does it work?
- Egg white and the lime mask have proven to be the go-to option for most of the women as egg provides the required nourishment to hair and scalp.
- Lime helps in combating dandruff and scaly scalp.
- Yogurt maintains hydration of the skin
- Castor oil prevents the scalp from excessive dryness.
- If you have oily hair, use only egg whites
- If you have dry hair, use only egg yolks.
- If you have normal hair, use both egg whites and yolk.