What is Hyperthyroidism ?
Hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones to satisfy the requirements of the body. The thyroid is underactive. In other words, Hyperthyroidism may be a condition where the thyroid puts out an excessive amount of hormone and may cause symptoms like nervousness, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, heart racing, hand tremors, diarrhea and every function within the body tends to hurry up from too revved-up metabolism.
Thyroid hormones affect multiple organ systems; therefore the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are wide-ranging and diverse.
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The thyroid creates two thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These regulate metabolism, and that they also affect the subsequent functions:
- Brain development
- breathing
- Heart and systema nervosum functions
- Body temperature
- Muscle strength
- Skin dryness
- Menstrual cycles
- Weight
- Cholesterol levels
Here we see 23 ways to heal hypothyroid naturally:
- keep away from the triggers: stress, excess alcohol consumption, caffeine, smoking, poor diet, and radiation from airports, airplanes, and x-rays.
- Check for viruses, most of the people with Graves or Hashimoto’s have an underlying virus infection just like the Shingles virus or herpes that’s the basic issue which must be addressed.
- Run a CBC to see blood counts.
- Use a robust antiviral like pau de Arco (1000-2000 mg twice a day) or drink a potent brew of the tea throughout the day for eight weeks for viral infections.
- Build up the system with a strong antioxidant like Alpha Lipoic Acid (100mg a day) which recharges other antioxidants within the body.
- Take 100 mg of the aminoalkanoic acid L-carnitine twice each day for heart health.
- Take methylated B vitamins (5000 mcg). Half the population has methylation issues caused by the MTHFR mutation, meaning that they need problems converting the B vitamins to the active and usable forms. An example is taking supplements with vitamin Bc, but the body not having the ability to convert it to the active folate form.
- Take the powerful antioxidant Coq10 to build up the body and fighting radical damage.
- Identify and take away all reactive foods (which are inflammatory) with a Food Sensitivities biopsy.
- Fight inflammation by using turmeric organic berries.
- Include vitamin A-rich foods like egg yolks, anchovies, or.
- crop on Polyunsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, oil-like soybean, canola, and cottonseed, as these are foods that promote inflammation within the body.
- Use healthy oils like avocado oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, duck fat, and vegetable oil to scale back inflammation.
- Include liver within the diet (if you’ll stomach it) for the vitamin A, B vitamins, and iron.
- Avoid gluten, soy, nightshades, and peanuts from the diet- all are foods that trigger.
- Add 10 billion CFUs of a top-quality Probiotic daily for healthy gut flora.
- Work on gut repair to shut the tight junctions within the gut, otherwise referred to as ‘leaky gut”.
- Strengthen the adrenals which successively will strengthen the thyroid. They walk hand in hand with one another.
- Include copra oil within the diet daily to manage high cortisol and boost anti-viral protection.
- Include vitamin C in the diet like kiwi, red bell pepper, citrus, papaya, and cauliflower.
- Take lemon balm to battle nervousness and anxiety.
- lessen stress levels with relaxing activities like yoga, massage therapy.
Conventional medicine will give anti-thyroid medications that “attack” the thyroid or use radioactive iodine to “kill” the thyroid cells. I don’t realize you, but taking ‘radioactive anything’ scares me. Tons of Doctors will even suggest to only removing the thyroid all together!
Why you need ever to remove an organ/gland without thoroughly addressing all other factors and natural therapies? Remember, it’s your body and your choice! You’re ultimately the one responsible for your health. Does your research, follow these suggestions, and obtain on the road to healing your thyroid, naturally!