One thing that stops us from wearing an off-shoulder or sleeveless dress is the fear of exposing our dark and discolored underarms. We generally refrain from wearing anything that puts us in a spot, all due to our dark underarms. Even after waxing underarms, we have the fear of showing our armpits and getting that unwanted attention. Though there are many lotions available that claim to what your underarms, many of them are just hoax. The real secret of whitening discolored underarms lies in our homes and do not need much expenditure or effort.
- 2 tablespoons baking soda
- 2 tablespoons lime juice
How To Go Ahead?
- Mix baking soda and lime juice in a bowl
- Wash your underarms, and pat them dry
- Now, apply the above paste, on the prewashed underarms.
- Rub this on for 10 minutes
- Rinse it with cold water
- Pat dry
- Repeat this every alternate day for the best results.
How Is It Beneficial?
Baking soda has always acted as a lightening agent and has been recommended by many DIY experts.
baking soda also helps in the removal of dead skin cells, thus acting as the best natural exfoliator available.
Lemon juice is packed with bleaching, antibacterial and antiseptic abilities. With these properties, lemon juice helps to lighten dark discoloration of armpits