Being obese or overweight is more of a disorder than just a natural phenomenon. There are several harmful effects and risks of being obese. Maximum doctors and scientists do not encourage obesity as it may lead to many underlying diseases and disorders.
A person is considered obese or overweight if his weight and BMI (Bio Mass Index) is a lot higher than the normal. The weight of a person is calculated by including both heights and weight.
Here are some serious health risks of being obese:
1) Hormonal Imbalances :
Hormonal imbalance is one of the basic criteria of contracting several mental and neurological disorders that are often observed in Gen-Z. The main functions of hormones depend majorly on sever factors such as weight and stress. Any changes in weight or even a slight abnormal weight gain can lead to unusual hormonal levels that interfere in your daily life. Hormonal imbalances can lead to stress, severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks, infertility, and other reproductive problems.
2) Cardiovascular Problems :
Excessive weight gain also leads to increased levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure. This has an adverse effect on the heart and its normal functions. This may also clog arteries and harden the blood vessels. All of this results in either heart failure or heart attack or even in a stroke.
3) Type 2 Diabetes :
Type 2 Diabetes is nothing but when your body becomes insulin resistant. This is also caused by belly fat. The cells fail to use insulin and control blood glucose. 8/10 people who are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes were observed to be obese. This disorder does not have a cure and can only be prevented if you maintain a healthy diet and body weight.
4) Fatty Liver :
Fatty liver is a result of the fat getting deposited on your liver. This fat covers your liver and interferes with its daily function. The liver is one of the most important body organs used to remove toxins and maintaining your immune system. Fatty liver is usually a result of obesity and the pathogenesis is still unknown. Fatty liver can lead to complete liver failure leading to the death of the person.
5) Osteoarthritis :
Excessive fat deposition can strain your joints and bones. It may lead to immense pain and make the obese person difficult to move. Obesity leads to inflammation and causes stiffness. This condition is known as osteoarthritis.
6) Kidney Problems :
The fat not only gets deposited in the blood vessels leading to the heart and lungs but also that of kidneys. The kidneys fail to filter blood and water as the blood vessels are clogged by an excess of fat. This eventually leads to building up of waste which is highly dangerous and in some cases, this also leads to kidney failure.
7) Lung Problems :
I’m sure you’ve seen an obese person finding it difficult to breathe. This is because their larger body prevents the expansion of their lungs. Breathing problems may also be caused by inflammation of muscles because of belly fat. The most common lung problems seen in obese people are asthma and COPD.
8) Cancer:
As mentioned above, abnormal deposition of fat leads to hormonal imbalances. This hormonal imbalance may change the normal functioning of cells and their growth. Obese people are more likely to get cancers of breast, colorectal, endometrial, blood and kidneys
The best way to get rid of that excess fat is by exercising regularly and having a balanced diet! There’s no shortcut to weight loss. It is all about dedication and will power!