
Shin Splints Causes and Symptoms

Shin Splints

Shin Splints refer to pain and discomfort felt at the front of the lower leg in the area of the shinbone. Its medical name is medial labial stress syndrome (MTSS). This is a cumulative condition, which means that if the patient doesn’t stop doing the activities that cause the pain, it will continue to get worse.

People who frequently engage in intense physical activity are far more likely to develop shin splints. This is especially true for people who play stop-start sports, such as tennis or basketball.


1.Beginning or intensifying your sports routine:

These are more likely to strike those who engage in high-intensity sports, particularly people who start a new sport and those who ramp up the intensity of their physical activity. When beginning a new sport or physical activity, people may put more strain on their legs than they are able to handle.

2.Wearing unsupported shoes:

Wearing good shoes can prevent a myriad of health conditions. Shoes those are discomfort to the feet can cause posture issues, discomfort, and painful problems like shin splints. If a person wears unsupportive shoes for a long time, he or she greatly increases his or her risk of developing conditions like shin splints even if the shoes feel comfortable.

3.Activity on Hard Surfaces:

People who play sports on hard surfaces—such as tennis players, basketball players, and badminton players—are even more likely to develop a problem. Frequently engaging in activities that involve running, jumping, dancing, or playing on hard surfaces increases the risk of developing shin splints. In addition, running and jumping on hard surfaces not only increases the risk of developing shin splints but stress fractures as well.

4.Running over uneven terrain:

People who constantly readjust the angle and position of their feet are at a higher risk for shin splints. One activity that usually causes this is running over hilly or uneven terrain. It’s best to jog on soft, even ground. Avoid jogging or running on hard pavement. Try to find a trail in the woods or a grassy field on which to run.

5. Pre-existing conditions:

People who have pre-existing conditions in their feet or ankles often struggle with posture and proper movement. Problems like flat feet, high-arched feet, and hyper pronation (a gait problem that occurs when too much weight is being pushed onto the feet) all can increase the risk of developing shin splints.


    1. Pain during exercise: If a person experiences pain in the shins during his or her exercise routine, then it’s quite possible that he or she is developing shin splints. The pain begins as a dull ache and can be experienced on one or both sides of the shinbone.
    2. Swelling in the leg: Shin splints don’t often exhibit any visible symptoms. However, it is possible for shin splints to cause some degree of swelling in the lower legs. This is more likely to be an issue during or shortly after heavy exercise.
    3. Numbness in the feet and ankles: Numbness in the feet and ankles only tends to occur in people who have had shin splints for an extended length of time. Swelling affects the nervous pathways that are responsible for communicating with the feet. Tight muscles also can have an impact on blood pressure in the region. If the blood vessels in the legs become too constricted, this can cut off circulation to the feet and ankles, rendering them numb.
    4. Tenderness: Tenderness in the lower leg is another symptom of shin splints. People who already have pre-existing conditions that adversely affect the bones or muscles experience tenderness most often. Pressing on the area can be uncomfortable, and the skin in the affected area is warmer and more sensitive than the surrounding area.
    5. Tight muscles: Tight muscles can cause this type of splints, but the opposite is also true. People who injure their lower legs, such as those with shin splints, frequently develop tight leg muscles. Many athletes and bodybuilders experience tight muscles and shin splints because they’re pushing their bodies too hard, so the best remedy is to take it easy for a while and relax the muscles.

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