Varicose Veins are common and the exact reason behind the development of this condition is still unknown. These are nothing but veins that are enlarged, gnarled due to high blood pressure.
These are usually not harmful or cause any kind of pain yet they may make you insecure about your appearance. Usually, they develop on your legs and feet.
However, in some cases, they have also said to cause slight pain and discomfort.
Varicose veins are formed when the blood pressure in your veins are very high and they fail to pump the blood back to your heart. Therefore, this may lead to the development of enlarged veins.
However, some of the common factors that can possibly lead to the formation of varicose veins are:
• Obesity/ Overweight
• Constipation
• Tumour
• Pregnancy
• Prolonged standing and sitting
• Genetics and
• Age
They can be treated at home with simple remedies using 1-2 natural ingredients.
Here are some ways you can treat varicose veins with one simple ingredient:
1) Apple cider vinegar:
Using apple cider vinegar is the simplest way to treat varicose veins. It is proved and is known as the most effective remedy that will help you get rid of the condition.
Apple cider vinegar detoxifies your body and helps in improving blood circulation throughout the body. Including apple cider vinegar in your diet will improve blood flow through your veins naturally.
2) Turmeric:
Add 2 tbsp of turmeric powder in a glass of milk and drink it every day to get rid of varicose veins. Turmeric is known to improve blood circulation and control blood pressure. This will lead to a natural improvement in your blood flow and also fade it.
3) Ginger:
Ginger is another natural ingredient that is a natural and effective way to get rid of varicose veins. Ginger can be used to make the classic ginger tea that will not only improve your blood circulation but also calm your mind. Ginger is said to control blood pressure and maintain blood flow that will eventually lead to treating it.
4) Blueberries:
Blueberries are one natural way to treat varicose veins. You can add them to your daily diet and have them raw. They will improve your blood circulation and act as an effective remedy to treat it.
5) Avocadoes:
Avocadoes are another natural food item that helps in getting rid of varicose veins in an effective way. Include avocadoes in your daily diet and see amazing results.
Apart from this, if you experience severe discomfort or pain in the area, you must consult your doctor.