Acne is common and can happen due to various factors. The acne can occur at various parts of your body, including your back. Popularly called as ‘bacne’, back acne is nothing but acne but on your back.
It turns out to be worst in a few cases due to the presence of hair follicles on your back. This extensively causes bacteria to stay and grow on your back and as a result, the pores get clogged.
Back acne is primarily caused by three factors:
- Overactive oil glands
- Extensive growth of bacteria and
- Clogged pores
However, back acne can be treated and cured some simple home remedies.
Some of the natural ingredients and home remedies that help in getting rid of back acne are:
1) Tea tree oil:
This essential oil helps in getting rid of acne effectively. It has several medicinal and healing properties. Add some drops of tea tree oil in a bucket of water and shower with the same often. This will cleanse your pores and help in getting rid of back acne in a natural way.
2) Aloe vera:
Aloe vera works best for all types of acne. Just mix some aloe vera and honey in a bowl and apply the same to your back. Leave it for 15 minutes and then shower as usual. Repeat this thrice a week for best results.
3) Honey:
Raw honey also works wonders on back acne. It is not only anti-bacterial but also helps in exfoliating your skin. Apply raw honey on your back and then leave it to dry. Shower as usual and repeat this thrice a week for amazing results.
4) Wear lose clothes and use antiseptic powders:
If you continue to wear tight clothes and refrain from taking showers after you hit the gym, you are just allowing the acne to grow worst. Use an anti-bacterial cream or a powder on your back ever day to get rid of acne.
5) Apply apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar works like a miracle to skin problems. Mix some drops of apple cider vinegar in water before applying it. Apply the diluted form on your back and let it dry. Shower as usual and repeat this twice a week for better results.
6) Green tea:
Add green tea to your diet. Green tea helps in cleansing out your body and flushes out the toxins. So if you want to get rid of acne and other skin problems, include green tea in your diet. You can also apply green tea on your skin!
7) Baking soda:
Baking soda acts as an exceptional anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. Add 3 tbsp of baking soda in a glass of water and apply the mix to your back with a cotton ball. Leave it to dry and then wash it off. Baking soda works best for acne.
8) Salt water:
You can also take a shower with salt water. Saltwater helps in exfoliation, cleansing, removing dead cells, getting rid of acne and dark spots effectively.
9) Lemon juice:
Add lemon juice to the bucket of water. Shower and cleanse your body with the same. Lemon helps in reducing the production of sebum and prevents excessive secretion of oil on your skin.
10) Body scrubs:
Use the oatmeal or honey scrubs to exfoliate your skin and get rid of acne within the first few uses. Exfoliation helps in clearing out pores, removing dead skin cells, and prevent the occurrence of acne.
11) Banana scrubs:
Mash some banana and mix it with 3 tbsp honey. Mix the ingredients and apply the same on your back. Leave it for some time and then wash it off with water.
12) Turmeric:
If the back acne seems to get worst, make a turmeric paste, and apply the same to your back. Leave it until your back dries and then shower as usual. Repeat this twice a week for best results.
13) Gram flour:
Gram flour works best for acne. You can add 3-4 tbsp of gram flour, 3 tbsp of milk, and water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your back and leave it to dry. Wash it off later and repeat the same every week.
Some of the other easiest ways to get rid of acne include:
- Drink enough water-hydration prevents excessive production of oil
- Rub ice on your back
- Take a zinc supplement
- Antibacterial soaps
- Maintain hygiene
- Jojoba oil
- Rosemary oil
Apart from this, if your acne gets worst, consult a dermatologist.