We often have a detail beauty regimen for our face and skin. We focus so much on our face whitening and care, that we often forget the other body parts also require the same attention, if not more. Legs are one such part where we just don’t focus on it. A quick check of your legs will tell you how you have overlooked its care when compared to the face.
Legs require major care, as they are the parts that often get dirty a lot. A tanned leg may not give a good impression to anyone, even if your make up is on spot. So, here we help you with step by step procedure for Feet Whitening Pedicure at Home.
Step 1: Trim your nails
Take a cotton ball and with the help of nail paint remover, remove nail polish. Now with the help of a nail cutter, cut the nails. Next, trim them with a nail buffer. This helps for smoother edges of your desired nail shape.
Step 2: Soak in Water
After neat trimming of nails, soak your legs in the water. The water must be lukewarm. Mix a few drops of shampoo in it. And soak your legs for about 10 minutes in this solution. This helps the hard skin soften.
Step 3: Cleansing
Now, cleanse your feet. For this, add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in 1 bucket water. Add 2 spoons of baking soda. This chemical-based solution helps in bleaching and de-tanning the skin color. Soak for about 10 minutes and pat them dry.
Step 4: Exfoliation
After cleansing next comes exfoliation
For this, prepare DIY scrub for your feet. Mix 1 lemon juice in 1 spoon sugar and 1/2 spoon baking soda. Scrub your feet with this mixture. Scrub with the help of a pumice stone, and scrub the edges of nails with a brush.
Step 4: Applying the whitening pack
This is the most important step of the pedicure. Take 6-7 spoons of mountain mitti/ gram flour. Mix it with 1 spoon lemon juice, 1 spoon baking soda, 1 spoon rose water and 1 small cucumber juice. Apply it on your feet and keep it on for 15 minutes. Next, wash it off and pat feet dry.
Step 5: Moisturize
Moisturize the feet by applying feet cream, any moisturizer or even coconut oil if you have run out of moisturizers. Moisturizes seal the softness of skin, thereby making it less prone to drying soon and developing cracks.