
2 Things That Are Lurking In Food And Keeping Kids Awake At Night

2 Things That Are Lurking In Food And Keeping Kids Awake At Night

As we know that the newborn babies sleep mostly in days and less at night. They stay awake all night for some time. It is the toddler stage of new born babies.

All the parents try different types of things just to make their kids sleep at nights. Like: pyjamas, night lights, cuddling etc.

We have mostly seen that parents let their newborn babies eat chocolate. But chocolate contains caffeine in it. Kids should be avoided from eating chocolate before sleeping as it also awakens them at nights.

Sugar and chocolate are the things which can easily awake them at night. They contain calories and caffeine inside them which will not let your babies or kids sleep at nights.

Chocolate basically disrupts the sleep of the kids or babies which contains caffeine in a very small amount but still it will disturb their sleeping habits.

Two things are very important in order to let your child sleep at night:

  1. Always provide a very small meal to your child everyday. Do not overeat.
  2. Avoid sugar in their meal especially in or before their dinner.

So, these things should be avoided from the diet of the kids so that they can sleep at nights.

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