With increasing age, fatigue and dizziness increases. 40% of the population of age above 40 suffer dizziness in their lives.
Another condition known as vertigo is considered to be more serious when the person feels that the surroundings are spinning even with the slightest head movement. The severity of dizziness may become more serious or annoying.
The patient must consult a doctor as these symptoms may indicate a more dangerous condition. Most cases do not demand any medical treatment as they are harmless and fade on their own. But in others, it may be a symptom of life-threatening disease.
Cause 1: Pregnancy
Dizziness is common and temporary in pregnant women accompanied by low blood pressure, dilated blood vessels, rise in hormones and blood flow to the baby. Women suffering from anaemia or varicose veins, also experience dizziness.
When the metabolism rate changes, blood sugar levels decrease. These changes occur in the first trimester as the body starts adapting to pregnancy. In the second, the uterus expands itself and pressurize the blood vessels. In the third, dizziness is caused by vena cava, a large vein which is pressed by the baby’s weight and the blood carried from the lower body to the heart also gets affected.
Cause 2: Inner Ear Problems
Dizziness is also caused when calcium and sensing crystals called otoconia containing protein displace and float within the inner ear. These crystals maintain balance and cause vertigo to become loose. It is termed as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
The treatment involves the tilting of the head to the right at 45 degrees. Then lying down on the left side for 30 seconds. Then back to the normal position and repeat this for the opposite side after a few minutes.
This disorder is experienced by older adults triggered by trauma and infections but involves no obvious reasons. To diagnose BPPV, a test called Dix-Hallpike test is used, to check for involuntary eye movements for both sides.
Cause 3: Low Vitamin B12
Deficiency of Vitamin B-12 leads to neurological difficulties, low blood pressure and disbalance. This can easily be detected and treated. When walking or getting up from the position after too long, it may instill a dizzy feeling. Low Vitamin B12 levels must be checked with the doctor as they may induce symptoms of chronic vertigo.
The supplements are taken orally and give effective results as the absorption takes place outside the ileum. In many cases, the body response may vary and experience deficiency.
Cause 4: Hypoglycaemia
Patients with diabetes may complain about dizziness. In hypoglycaemia, the brain doesn’t function effectively due to lack of glucose, food and increased tablet intake. This requires immediate treatment. The symptoms are dizziness, sweating, confusion, and potential coma. Foods containing sugar, juice, glucagon injection, may help in recovery by instantly reaching the bloodstream.
Cause 5: Heart Disease
When the blood supply to the brain is damaged, may cause dizziness, as well as heart failure. When the pulse rate of the patient is too slow or fast, due to the obstruction in blood flow by the narrow valve, results in a heart attack. Postural hypotension also drops blood pressure, causing dizziness.
Cause 6: Migraines
Many people who are of age 20 – 40, suffer from Migraine (hypertension). Half of the cases are left undiagnosed or mistreated for sinus headaches or other. Nausea, vomiting, head pain, throbbing, and pounding are related symptoms disturbing the person’s normal regime. All are caused due to low blood pressure.
Cause 7: Fragrances
Some people are sensitive to fragrance, scented products, air fresheners, deodorizers, etc. Preventive Medicine reports show that these products contain harmful pollutants causing severe dizziness in people making them sick. Hence, it is advised to use unscented products.
Cause 8: Anaemia
Several cases of Anaemia include dizzy spells due to iron deficiency and low nutrient value in the body. The levels of haemoglobin, oxygen, blood pressure drop. The person is advised to take blood tests and take the required medication, drug, etc.
Cause 9: Dehydration
Intake of fluids is necessary to overcome the loss of liquid and dizziness. In the case of less fluid intake, blood pressure drops, resulting in fatigue, dark urine. The patient should drink fluids slowly and avoid taking coffee, tea, and caffeinated products.
Cause 10: Meniere’s Disease
The causes of Meniere’s disease are obscure but is considered a result when the fluid in the inner ear is not normal and cause dizzy spells. In most cases, either only one ear is affected or permanent loss of hearing may occur. Anatomic abnormality, viral infections, allergies, head trauma, and migraines are various causes that may disturb the fluid drainage building up in the ear.