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Weight Loss For Women Over 200 Lbs

Weight Loss for Women Over 200 Lbs

Weight Loss for women – All of us desire a perfect yet ideally shaped body. Don’t we? Some of us work towards religiously whereas some of us are still confused about you can get a little more fit.

Losing weight, if you are over 200 lbs, will be a heavier task than the normal weight loss journey. Especially for women, gaining weight may be a result of several factors. Abnormal weight gain is not always a result of bad eating habits or an unhealthy diet. It may involve several hormonal, emotional, and reproductive factors too.

Losing weight, if you are over 200 lbs, is said to be difficult as it is hard for your body to move often and continuously. It will be difficult for you to exercise and make sudden yet strict changes. Therefore, one must be careful and follow a different regime than the regular one to lose weight effectively.


One of the most important things you must do before you going for or planning your weight loss journey is to – conduct somebody scans, blood tests, and few other tests. These tests will provide some basic information about the functioning of your body. Moreover, it is important to know the different hormonal levels in order to plan your diet especially levels of hormones like thyroid hormones, cortisol, reproductive hormones and not to miss the condition of your liver. (Abnormal weight gain is more likely to lead to fatty liver disease).

It is better to consult a nutritionist before you go for such a weight loss journey and plan something (in case your weight is above 200 lbs).

Here are few ways for Weight Loss for women if you are above 200 lbs:

1) Know that it is going to be tough:

Accept that this life-changing journey is not going to be easy and it will require loads of courage along with strong will power. Be determined and know your goal, make sure you are strong enough to resist the exceptional aromas of food you love. Ask your family members and loved ones to support you in this journey. You will need constant encouragement and support.

2) Cut out the Sugar:

A high intake of sugar is more likely to lead you to gain abnormal weight. Cut off all that soft drinks, desserts, sugary juices, and everything which has additives and sugars. This is will bring a massive change in the regular functioning of your body.

3) Count the calories:

It is important to be mindful of the amount or number of calories you have regularly. If you have 3000 calories a day, reduce it to 2000 calories for 2 months and then followed by 1500 calories per day.

4) Take the steps instead of the elevator:

Take the steps instead of the elevator. Don’t go for work or doing things that call for lesser body movement. Make sure you move your body and walk at least 2000 steps a day. You can go for a jog or a walk in the nearby park for an hour and follow it up with a little cardio.

5) Play your favorite sport:

I’m sure you have a favorite sport too! Practice the sport and go for playing it at least 4 times a week. Let it be basketball or soccer or even badminton, just go for it. This will not help your body get used to rigorous movements but also relax your mind and help you get rid of stress.

6) Yoga:

One more important thing you shouldn’t miss including in your routine is practicing yoga. Yoga has some incredible health benefits. Practicing yoga on a daily basis will help you get rid of extra fat especially the belly fat and enhance the process of weight loss. So include yoga in your daily routine and see the amazing results by your own self.

7) Sleep well;

Do not compromise on your daily sleep. Sleep well for 8 hours is one of the important things that help you lose weight. Sleeping well helps you to relax your mind and relieve stress. There is no chance you can lose weight without sleeping well.

Apart from these, you must continue making small changes in your diet and hit the gym when your body gets used to rigorous movements. It is okay to have cheat days and take a break. But consistency is all that matters. So don’t give up and continue working towards achieving an ideal body.

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