Your Sleepy Secret To Glowing Skin
The most peaceful and stress-free time we get in 24 hours, is the time we sleep. A night’s sleep can do wonders for us and our skin. But what if we tell you that the skin will glow multifold if we apply an overnight mask? Yes. An overnight mask is a secret to Glowing Skin that we apply just before hitting the bed, and wash off only after we wake up in the morning. It works wonders as the skin reaps all the benefits from the mask, thus keeping it clean and hydrated, once you wake up and wash it off. Need more? These Masks are easy to make and are mostly DIY at home. So let’s explore some of the easiest, effective DIY masks that work wonders on your skin.
1. Milk Mask
A very easy yet useful mask is a milk mask. It comprises two simple ingredients and thus, can be termed as most hassle-free masks of all.
What do you need?
1. 1 teaspoon milk
2. 2 drops of almond/ lavender oil
How to proceed?
1. Mix milk and desired oil in a bowl
2. Apply evenly on the skin
3. Wash it off the next morning with cold water.

2. Oats & Honey Mask
The second most effective and tried and tested mask is oats and honey mask. Oats are best known as an exfoliator and honey maintains the softness of the skin.
What do you need?
1. 1 teaspoon oats powder
2. 1 teaspoon honey
How to proceed?
1. Mix both the ingredients
2. Apply it overnight
3. Wash off with lukewarm water in the morning

3. Coconut Oil Mask
This mask acts as a savior especially during extreme weather conditions, where the skin is prone to more damage than usual. Coconut oil not only prevents skin from sun damage but also helps skin through its anti-inflammatory properties.
What do you need?
1. 1 teaspoon coconut oil
2. Night cream
How to proceed?
1. Mix coconut oil in your night cream and apply evenly on the face.
2. Gently massage your skin and leave it.
3. Wash it off the next morning with normal water.
Note – You can apply coconut oil as it is, without mixing in any cream.

4. Vitamin E and Aloe vera Mask
Vitamin E boasts of many skin benefits. Aloevera too contains vitamins A C and E along with salicylic acid, lignin, and enzymes that prevent skin from UV rays damage.
What do you need?
1. 1 spoon aloe vera gel
2. 1 capsule of Vitamin E
How to proceed?
1. Add aloe vera gel and mix it with oil of 1 vitamin E capsule.
2. Apply it on the face and massage it properly.
3. Wash it off the next day.
Kindly do a patch test and check if your skin is not allergic to vitamin E.

5. Turmeric And Milk Face Mask
Turmeric is termed as one of the best antiseptic ingredients in Ayurveda. It has many anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that make it the best. Milk has lactic acid which promotes firmness in the skin.
What do you need?
1. 1 teaspoon turmeric
2. 1 spoon raw milk
How to proceed?
1. Mix milk and turmeric and apply on the face with the help of a cotton ball.
2. Keep it overnight, and wash off the next morning.
So, an overnight mask is the best solution if you want the least effort and achieve that flawless glow.