
Aloe Vera Hair Mask

Aloe Vera Hair Mask

Over the years Aloe-Vera is believed to promote hair growth and heal the infections on the scalp. People use Aloe-Vera both to apply on the scalp and also to consume to improve the hair condition. As Aloe-Vera is rich in anti-oxidants it helps remove the dead cells and regrow the hair.

One good way to use Aloe-Vera gel is to mix it with a teaspoon of honey and add it with three teaspoons of coconut oil. Now, this mixture has to be mixed well and the resulting mix has to be massaged gently into the scalp. After massaging it well into the hair, it should be left for about half an hour.

This helps the ingredients seep through into the scalp. After waiting for half-an-hour it should be washed thoroughly with a shampoo. Doing so will moisture the hair as it runs deep down and acts as a conditioner to the hair, adding good volume and bounce to the hair.

For thickening the hair, it must be supplemented with key ingredients like lipids, glucose, and protein which fasten up the process. Aloe-Vera is the best source to improve the hair volume and thickness.

As Aloe-Vera contains some of the best growth simulators and thickening agents, mixing it with an egg adds to its value in terms of proteins. So mixing Aloe-Vera with egg and applying it to the hair helps re-growing the hair in a very short period.

One of the best ways to use it naturally is extracting its gel from the plant and apply it directly onto the scalp. To use it in that way, one has to cut a leaf from the plant and extract the gel that oozes out both from the leaf and the plant. Using a spoon this gel can be collected into a container, people have the liberty to blend it with olive oil or coconut oil.

Now this gel has to be applied onto the scalp, and after that let it stay on the scalp for at least an hour. As leaving it onto the scalp is not good, so using a mild shampoo it can be washed. This makes the scalp stay clean. Repeating the process 2-3 times based on the requirement
helps in improving hair growth.

Another best and natural way to use it is by mixing it with yoghurt and making a hair mask. This hair mask helps improve the volume of the hair, counters hair fall and adds shine to it. To use this one has to mix Aloe-Vera gel extracted from a plant with two spoons of yogurt and a spoon of honey and olive oil.

All these ingredients have to be mixed well and the resulting mixture has to be applied onto the hair and the scalp. Using the mixture the hair and the scalp have to be massaged for about 10 minutes. After which it should be allowed to stay on the scalp for about half an hour. Soon after that, it has to be washed. Doing it as and required helps improve the hair quality.


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