Types of abortions – It is a recent study showed that abortion was safer in the private sector than in the NHS. These results are quite alarming but useful because they underline the need to
- Reduce delays
- Have good counseling
- Take care of yourself after the abortion
Abortion facilities and the safety of the operation have improved considerably since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. Further improvements in the method of earlier detection of pregnancy, earlier abortion techniques, daycare abortion services, counseling facilities, and sex education will help to reduce any remaining risks associated with abortion.
RU 486: Successful research on a method of very early abortion currently available in France would mean that women who were less than 7 weeks pregnant could obtain an abortion by taking a pill. At the moment the pill, called RU 486, which is antiprogesterone, is still in the experimental stage in Britain. It works by bringing on a period and by stimulating the production of prostaglandins which cause contractions of the womb and expulsion of any fertilized egg. It is unlikely to be generally available for quite some time and will undoubtedly run into a debate its legality.
Menstrual extraction: Menstrual extraction is a method of early abortion that is widely used by women in the USA to bring on a period. It is available on the NHS in some places and is very similar to vacuum aspiration except that it is usually only done up to about 7 weeks of pregnancy. It does not involve the powerful suction of vacuum aspiration but is sometimes called mini suction. The doctor injects a local anesthetic into the cervix and then removes the contents of the womb via a syringe gently inserted into the womb through the cervix.
Menstrual extraction is usually done in day care units or outpatient departments. A nurse to hold your hand and talk with you will provide some comfort throughout the procedure, which should take only few minutes. Most people are ready to leave a couple of hours after the abortion. The main disadvantage of this technique, which is not at all widely available, is that it may miss the pregnancy. Some people feel that the risk of having to repeat the abortion is unacceptable and so would rather wait for a vacuum aspiration. The risk is about 1%.
Prostaglandin Pessaries: This is another method of early abortion that is under investigation in some parts of Britain. It involves the insertion of prostaglandin pessary into the vagina. This stimulates the womb to contract and dilates the cervix so that the contents of the womb are expelled. Sometimes the prostaglandins cause severe cramps or diarrhea and vomiting. They don’t always work, so some women end up having a D and C.
Note: Make sure that the date you are given for the operation does not make you more than 12 weeks pregnant. If it does then point this out to the hospital or clinic doctor. Ask if the operation can still be done after 12 weeks. If not then try to get an earlier date. If you were promised notification of the date for the abortion by post, wait for a few days then contact the hospital or clinic and make sure you have not been overlooked. Ask why there has been a delay.