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Manage Your Curly Dry Hair Like A Pro


Do you often find combing your hair a nightmare?  Does your comb always get entangled in your messy curls? There is no reason to envy your smooth and straight-haired friends anymore. Your curls are quite manageable, too. Also, well-managed curls make you feel unique and gorgeous. Read below a few tips to manage your curly hair like a pro and fall in love with your curls.

curly dry hair

  1. Know your curls.

The first thing to know about your curls is that they are naturally dry. Since your curly hair bends, twists, and turns, it can be very fragile. Also, because of the curls, it’s difficult for the natural oils from your scalp to travel from the top of your hair to the bottom. Thus, your hair is not softened or protected, and this makes it difficult to manage your curly, dry hair. Thus, curly hairs always have the problem of low moisture levels.

Curly Hair Care

2. Pre-wash your curls.

Unlike the other hair types, naturally curly hair can’t be washed with a lather and rinse method. For wild and natural rocks, you have to follow a special pre-wash routine. Use a conditioner before you’re about to shampoo your hair; apply it in soft circles. Separate your hair into three sections and softly work your way to each part. Leave it for about 20 minutes, and then shampoo it.

This might seem like a drag in your routine hair washing, but conditioning your hair before shampooing can actually help soften and detangle your hair. It will also avoid rough handling or damage that could happen while washing your hair.

Try out the pre-shampooing treatment options given here.

3. Shampoo less, condition more.

Unlike straight hair, curly hair doesn’t require frequent shampooing. Shampooing your hair daily can actually stress your fragile strands. It can also further dry your already-dry curls. However, you should depend heavily on conditioning. Befriend your conditioner and frequently apply it, even if you less frequently shampoo your hair.

Try out the best conditioners recommended here.

4. Make a wise choice with your shampoo.

Imagine your costly clothes. You wouldn’t want that costly silk saree to be destroyed by harsh chemicals and detergents, right? Similarly, you have to treat your precious curls with mildness. Use a mild shampoo that would actually be gentle on your dry hair and not steal away the little moisture from it. You need your shampoo to refresh your air and let it breathe. You can even try diluting your shampoo with distilled water.

Try out the best shampoos given here.

5.  Be gentle on your hair while washing.

Your tangled hair requires patience, but never ever rub, scrub, pull, or swirl your hair mercilessly. In fact, even piling your hair on top while lathering it can prove disastrous for your curls. This could worsen the tangles in your hair. The best option is to break your hair and separate it into small sections. When you handle one section, twist the rest of the sections or just clip them. Apply a little bit of cleansing conditioner or shampoo to your scalp, then work on it and bring it gently down to one section. Repeat this with the rest of the sections. Then start rinsing each section from the scalp to the end of the strand. Remember, if you’re gentle with your hair, it will be gentle with you in return, and this will help you manage your curly, dry hair like a pro.

6. Avoid using hot water

Washing your hair with cold water is always better than washing your hair with hot water to manage your curly, dry hair. Cold water doesn’t elevate the hair cuticles like hot water does. Also, the moisture in your hair is not lost while washing it with cold water, like it is lost with hot water. This will make your hair look glossy and less shiny.

7. Deep and nourishing conditioning

Okay, so we are done with the pre-wash treatment and the washing. Now, let’s look at the post-wash treatment. Conditioning is the savior for curly hair. So, even in the post-wash treatment, you can use a deep and nourishing conditioner depending on the requirements of your hair. Extremely cranky dry hair? Use a moisturizing formula that contains humectants. Weak and brittle? Use a protein treatment with silk amino acids or keratin. This also should be done in sections. Also, using a wide-toothed comb helps distribute the conditioner evenly. You should then cover your hair with a cap or a towel and let your body heat work on the absorption of moisture in your hair follicles. Keep in mind that rinsing is not required for a moisturizing conditioner, but it is required for a keratin conditioner.

You can read more about it here to manage your dry and curly hair.

8. Condition, Condition, and Condition!

Remember that conditioning is to dry hair what oxygen is to us. To manage your curly, dry hair, you need to be a conditioner addict. You have to maintain a fine balance between its moisture and protein so that it neither becomes limp nor fragile.  You need to regularly check the condition of your hair and switch conditioners accordingly, thus maintaining balance. Also keep in mind various factors that could affect the quality of your hair, right from weather to your body temperature and lifestyle.

9. Use the Right Towel

There are rough towels, and then there are soft ones. If you love your curls, you need to know the right towel for you. Rough towels are a big no-no for your hair. The best towels that could pamper your curls are micro-fiber towels. They are very handy to absorb excess moisture from your hair without being harsh on them. All you have to do is flip your hair on a towel that lays flat on the bed, twist it around your hair, and keep it for a good half hour. Your curls will remain frizz-free, minus the moisture. Don’t you have a microfiber towel? Stress not! Using a spare t-shirt would do the same trick.

You can read more about using a micro-fiber towel here.

10. Sleep royally!

Want to protect your curls and keep them tangle-free? Then check your bedsheet and pillow cover. Sleeping on cotton pillowcases can further entangle your hair and make it frizzy. Replace cotton with satin pillow cases that go easy on your hair. If you don’t have that option, you can wrap your head with a satin cloth or scarf before catching your beauty sleep.

Read more about it here.

11. Comb Right

Your comb speaks a lot of stories about your hair condition and also plays an important role. Hence, always use a proper technique to comb your curls and choose the right quality comb. A wide-toothed comb aids detangling. After shampooing, section your  hair and gently work your way upwards. Always start combing from the bottom. The best moment to detangle your hair is when it is wet. You need to be patient and loving while combing your curls.

Find out another way of detangling your curly hair here.

12. Reject the hot stuff.

You know that artificial heat is an enemy to your hair. Blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons are a sure-shot way of breaking your hair badly. Every time you use these items, you’re carving a path to breakage and splitting hands. Read here why these treatments are bad for your hair health.

If at all you want to use these, use the best quality. Otherwise, the best option is to air-dry at night or when you’re free, using rollers to twist and set your hair and letting it dry naturally.

Hair Styling Tools

If at all you cannot live without tools, find here the best tools that you can use.

13. Dry lovingly.

The drying technique is very important for your hair management. The best option to dry your hair is with a towel instead of a blow dryer. However, the technique of towel drying matters a lot. If you towel-dry your hair roughly, you will be inviting frizz. The best way is to tilt your head forward, twist your towel around your hair, and squeeze. This helps in taking away the excess moisture and also keeps away the frizz.

Read more about drying your hair the right way and managing your dry, curly hair like a pro here.

14. Try a diffuser

Do you not want to take all the extra efforts on air drying ? Are you a blow dryer fan? Well, then there’s a way out too. Try a diffuser. A hair diffuser is a bowl-shaped attachment that helps to blow dry your hair more evenly and delicately. It disperses the air flow from the blow dryer all over your hair. This avoids making your hair frizzy and gives voulme to it.

However, the trick is to not overdry your hair. Leave a bit to to dry naturally.

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To use a diffuser, first squeeze out all the extra moister that your hair has with a good towel. (Remember to be gentle and not turban your hair). If possible have a leave on conditioner to your hair. Then  fit the diffuser on your hair dryer.  The best option is to turn your diffuser in a medium or low heat. Start your dryer and place the diffuser near your hair roots till they dry up. Slowly and gently work your way around your scalp in gently and slow circular motions. A gentle massage from your diffuser’s prongs refreshes your head and also enhances the curls and volume.

Read more about using a diffuser and managing your curly hair like a pro, here.

15. Brush less

Yes, it’s true. While brushing your hair might be good in general but for your curly hair, it’s an aggressive experience. It not only kills your natural curls but also destroys hair cuticles and aggravates frizz.

Read more about why you should brush your hair less and manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

16. Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning!

Conditioning is to curls what oxygen is to us. When you have curly hair, you always have to fight between the balance of protein and moisture so that it neither becomes frizzy nor does it become dry. Your hair condition can keep on changing depending on the climatic conditions or your lifestyle. So, the best solution is to keep a regular check on your hair status and accordingly use a conditioner that works on your hair accordingly.  Make condition your best friend, if you love your curls. It will never disappoint you.

Read more about why you should condition your hair more often to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

17. Comb the right way to Manage Your Curls

The major struggle you might have with your curls, is probably using the comb. So, the biggest favour you can do for your curly hair is to buy a good comb. A curl-friendly comb will be wide-toothed. While combing, don’t pull your hair or roughly try to detangle your hair. Detangle it getnly when it is wet or conditioned. Also, at all costs avoid brush as it would not only cause your hair to break but also lead to split-ends and create frizz.

Combing Curly Hairs

Read more about how you can comb your curly hair in the right way to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

18. Eat healthy.

Sometimes, it’s not just about what you do externally to your hair but also what you feed internally to your body. Your hair’s health also depends a lot on your diet.  Yes, it’s time to get into your kitchen and pick all the right foods for your hair. It is said that the quality of our hair, nail and skin depends a lot on  the kind of nutrients that we eat. Involve a lot of fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy foods and lean proteins. Use a lot of omega-3 and protein rich diets in your food. This will ensure more strength and nourishment to your hairs.

Read more about how to eat right to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

19. Heard of the Pineapple trick?

The pineapple trick involves tying a loose ponytail on the top of your head with a scrunchie, especially when you go to sleep. This helps prevent frizz, knots and tangles as you sleep carefree. Tie your hair loose with a pineapple trick and then cover with a sating scarf. Later, wake up to your happy and untanngled hair. Tying your hair with a satin scrunchie is the best idea for your curl maintenance.

Find out more about the pineapple method to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

20. Swear by good styling products

Curly hair sometimes needs a bit of experimentation. If you’re open for trying a few new styles for your curls, then it’s not bad to try different styling products that would help accentuate your curls. You, of course need to study a bit that suits best for your curly hair.

Read more about best styling products to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

 21.   Get the right cut.

A right hair cut actually works wonders not only for your face but also for your personality. The best cut for curly hair is medium length with layers.  A trim every 6 to 8 weeks keeps your curly hair split-ends free and healthy with a neat look.

Read more about getting the right hair cut to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

22. Use alcohol and sulfate free products

Whenever you shop for hair products, see to it that you read the labels well. Avoid products that read alcohol and sulfate as they can prove harmful for your hair. Alcohol and sulfate dry out your hair badly. Sulfate helps in creating lather in your shampoos. So, they can prove very harsh for your hair follicles. Mild shampoos and conditioners are what would be the best for your gorgeous curls.

Read more about a few more products that you should avoid with sulfates and alcohol to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

23. Use the headband

Everyone is prone to bad hair days but curly haired beauties are at an advantage here. Just take that colorful bright headband and fix your hair with a back push. Curls have volume and are perfectly suitable for headbands.

Read more about styling your curls with headbands to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

24. Use product blending

It is also known as product cocktailing. It involves mixing two mor more products to style your hair as per the needs. You can combine products that you shop from the store and mix them with raw ingredients. So, you can mix your favorite gel with a simple aloe vera gel or coconut oil and prevent it from getting dry.

Read more about product blending to manage your dry and curly hair like a pro, here.

25. Embrace your curls

Your curls are a reflection of your determined and strong nature who is ready to face challenges that life hurls. Your curls are what make you unique and show you as a person who is not afraid to tread a different part. In fact, many actually pay a lot of money just to get curls. Curls don’t make you seem boring and curls also show you as a carefree and happy person. So, love your curls and embrace them because they make you gorgeous. Work on your curls, make them glow and shine and be confident about them. Let the world envy you as you stand in the spot light with the bouncy glow of your curly hair.

Read more about why having curly hair is the best and be encouraged to manage your curly hair like a pro, here.

The Closing:

So, there is a thin line between fighting your curls and loving your curls. You can destroy the thin line, eliminate the fight just by having a strict hair care routine. So, take care of your lovely curls and get a dozens of compliments from people who wish they had those curls.

What are your beauty tips on managing your curls to make them beautiful and frizz free? Any special tips that could work wonders? We would love to know your thoughts.

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