
How To Flush Gas And Bloating From Your Stomach Using Just 4 Ingredients?


Flatulence is a very terrible issue. It means when you feel gas and bloating in your stomach. It causes too much discomfort and pain in the stomach. Bloating makes one’s abdomen look visibly protruded and it can be very embarrassing when you want to wear figure-hugging dresses for dinner for some occasion or party.

Sometimes, bloating is also caused by too much bingeing also. It happens because of not eating the right foods and taking the wrong diet. 

There are many reasons which led to bloating and gas in our stomach:

  • Whole Grains: Whole grains are very rich in fibres, but they can cause flatulence if it is consumed too much. Fibres are an indigestible form of carbohydrate that can create bloating, gas, and constipation when taken in large portions. To make sure that whole grains do not affect us too much, consuming more water is best. Water does not let the fibre absorb too much fluid from our digestive channel.


  • Diary Products: Many people are lactose or milk sugar intolerant and they have experienced the terrible pain due to milk or diary products. It can be a source of flatulence and discomfort.


  • Lentils and Beans: Lentils and beans have unabsorbed carbohydrates. These unabsorbed or poorly absorbed sugars ferment rapidly because of the bacteria in the gut and this causes gassiness and bloating.


  • Sweeteners: The chemical called “sorbitol” that is used in artificial sweeteners is very difficult to digest. Both fructose and sorbitol can causebloating troubles and hence, we must cut down on preserved foods and artificial sweeteners to flush the gas and bloating from our stomach.


  • Certain Fruits and Vegetables: Vegetables like carrots, cabbage and cauliflower contain very high starch and fruits such as apricots and prunes are high in natural sugars also cause bloating and gassiness.

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Here are 4 ingredients or we can say 4 essential oils which can help us in flushing the gas and bloating from our stomach:

  • Cumin Oil: Cumin oil helps in treating intestinal and stomach pain. It can also help to cure IBSsymptoms such as constipation and loose motion. You could apply cumin oil on the bloated tummy before going to bed to flush the gas and bloating from the stomach.


  • Peppermint oil: Peppermint oil is highly beneficial to treat flatulence. It helps in maintaining a balance between the intestinal and oral ecosystem and reduce the probability of food fermentation. It also helps in combatting IBS, stomach issues, gallbladder diseases, menstrual cramps and liver fatigue.


  • Chamomile Oil: Chamomile oil helps in bringing down the inflammation in the bowels. Regular use of this oil can also bring down the pain. Additionally, one can safely depend on chamomile oil to ease the gas in the intestines. Apply it directly on your skin.


  • Ginger Oil: Ginger is very renowned carminative herbs. This herb provides huge relief from bloating, abdominal aches, and other digestive disorders and flushes the gas from the stomach.

Flatulence and bloating can be quite painful. It is very necessary for you to drink enough water, regulate our sleep cycles, and stick to a healthy exercise schedule to achieve overall well-being and consume one of those ingredients to flush the gas and bloatings from the stomach.

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