
Blackheads On Chin


How to get rid of Blackheads on the chin at home easily
Mild Acne can be called as blackheads. Just like the whiteheads whenever the pores get plugged by dead skin cells, excess oil, bacteria, and other stuff, these plugged pores are called comedones. If these comedones are close to the skin then they form whiteheads if it is exposed on the skin then it forms a blackhead.
The blackhead gets its color from the ingredients that it has in it, as they react with the air they become so.
Ways to get rid of blackheads
Dealing with blackheads is tiresome. The first thing one can do is moisturize the cream so that it can lighten the blackhead. Salicylic acid an over-the-counter product is a great solution to the problem of blackheads. Retinoid skin creams also help in curing the blackheads. Hydrating yourself will also counter the problem to a large extent, as it prevents oil blocks away.

1. Exfoliate:

Exfoliating the skin is a great option to get rid of the blackheads. Dead skin cells, blackheads and so on can be easily cleared with the help of scrubs. Using natural scrubs applying the scrub cream on the area will help in getting rid of blackheads.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is found to be a natural exfoliator. A mixture containing soap, baking soda and water have to be applied to the affected area. With fingers scrub the blackheads. This helps clear blackheads. For better results use it twice a week.

3. Steaming

Steaming the skin opens up the pores. As the pores open up it becomes easy to get rid of the dirt and blackheads stuffed in it. But make sure you close the pores soon after this process by rubbing the skin with ice cubes.

4. Lemon, salt, and honey

The astringent quality present in lemon removes the grease while the fine granules of salt function as a non-abrasive scrub on your skin. Honey keeps your skin moisturized. And it also aids in keeping the germs away. Make a paste of these three and apply it on the blackheads. After five minutes, scrub the skin in circular motions and keep it on for another 5 minutes. Finally, wash it with warm water. Do these three times a week for better results.

5. A paste made using Red Tur Dal and Turmeric

Antigens in turmeric act as an antiseptic agent on the skin, while the Red tur dal powder acts as a scrub. Make a powder of red tur dal but make sure it is not finely but coarsely powdered. Add this with finely grounded turmeric powder and scrub it on the face. Do this thrice a week for better results.

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