BeautyBaby CareHealth

8 Physical Changes a Woman Goes Through After Childbirth


Becoming a mother is indeed a blessing and needs a lot of courage. If you are a new mother, there might be an array of emotions crossing your mind. From feelings of delight to fear of not being enough, all of these emotions rule your mind.

Your body also goes through a lot of changes and tests your patience. Pregnancy alone brings mood swings, hormonal changes, abdominal changes, and even physical appearance. But childbirth brings a lot more than pregnancy; your body goes through a series of abdominal changes and appearance. As much as it is important to know about pregnancy and delivery; it is important to read about the physical changes in childbirth.

Reading and knowing about childbirth prior will prepare you mentally for further bodily changes.

Some of the common physical changes a woman goes through after childbirth are:

1) Hairfall:

One of the common physical changes a woman goes through after delivery is hair fall. This happens due to a sudden decrease in estrogen levels. Your body continuously has an increased level of estrogen all throughout the pregnancy so your body reacts by shedding hair when estrogen level decreases all of a sudden.

2) Bodyweight:

It is a known fact that you gain a lot of weight during your pregnancy. After childbirth, your body loses 11 kilos of bodyweight. The majority of the weight loss is experienced during the very first week of pregnancy due to the absence of amniotic fluid, placenta, and the baby’s weight.

3) Breasts changes:

Breastfeeding is compulsory for the baby after delivery. The mother’s milk is called colostrum and contains a lot of antibodies. It boosts the immunity of the baby and is considered to be important for the baby.

Your breasts can become tender, sore, and even become a little painful with time. Sagging breasts are also observed in a lot of cases.

4) Vaginal changes:

After childbirth, your vagina also endures a lot of pain and changes. Due to intense stretching, your vagina might feel a little laxer and too stretched out for some time.

5) Skin changes:

Skin changes are common after childbirth. A mother goes through a lot of stress, and hormonal changes that might lead to several skin issues. You will experience a lot of breakouts during the initial week. You can also observe a lot of dark patches on your skin. However, you have to repeatedly take care of your skin with simple yet proper skincare routines.

6) Bowel changes:

New mothers will experience the unusual passage of urine, bowel changes as the muscles of the bladder grow stronger. New mothers may also experience haemorrhoids, uncomfortable bowel movements and most importantly, constipation. A healthy diet will help you overcome these bowel and urinary problems.

7) Depression:

Yes, you heard that right; you will experience blows of depression after childbirth. Depression will also make you lethargic, moody, and affect your physical health too.

8) Back pain:

Back pain is common as your abdominal muscles are stretched out to a lot of extents. It might take a short period of time for your muscles to regain their strength. Maintaining a good posture will help you get rid of the back pain after delivery.

However, these changes are blessing in disguise as they will remind you of your child often.

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