
10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy

early signs pregnancy

Pregnancy is certainly a critical phase in a woman’s life. It so happens that many a time, we interpret situations differently and assume that we are expecting. For example- you might puke early in the morning and instead of thinking it could be due to a bad digestion issue or food poisoning our minds starts playing tricks. This happens more frequently with women who are trying to conceive and are desperate for a sign. Do you want to know the 10 early signs of pregnancy? If yes, then you must keep reading this post on how to recognize pregnancy at home.

1 – Have You Missed Period?

If your answer to the above-asked question is a big yes, then you need to look at nowhere else but a doctor. Yes, if you witness a missed period, you need to seek help from a professional doctor. You may also check the pregnancy at home.

2 – Tingling, Prickling Nipples

If you notice tingling, prickling nipples, you need to take it as an early sign of pregnancy. Without any doubt, prickling nipples can easily indicate that you are pregnant now.

3 – Feeling Sick

If you start feeling sick throughout the day even without reason, you need to consider it as an early symptom of pregnancy. Here, one point should be noted that you may also notice a slight fever regularly. So, whenever you start feeling sick, you may consider it an early symptom of pregnancy.

4 – Spotting as well as Cramping

These could be considered as another sign of recognizing pregnancy at an early stage. So, if you want to confirm whether you are pregnant or not, you need to take cramping and spotting into consideration. Obviously, it could be an early sign of being pregnant.

5 – Feeling Tired throughout the Day

It is another great sign of pregnancy. If you are feeling tired even without a valid reason, you need to test your pregnancy. Feeling tiredness could be an early sign of pregnancy. It is seen that many women simply feel tiredness even without doing anything at home.

6 – Swollen, Tender Breasts

If you notice your breasts tender or swollen, you need to go through a pregnancy test at home. If you notice that your breasts are swollen, you need to get in touch with a doctor. Or you may also check pregnancy at home. Without any doubt swollen tender and swollen breasts can indicate that you are now pregnant.

7 – Darker Nipples

It is observed that most women experience darker nipples during pregnancy. It is certainly among one of the top 10 early signs of pregnancy. So, when you notice that your nipples are getting darker and darker, you should understand that it could be a symptom of pregnancy.

8 – Foods Cravings

If you start feeling hungry without reason, you need to take it as an early symptom of pregnancy. Food cravings can be an early sign of recognizing pregnancy.

9 – Vomiting

When you start feeling to wee frequently, you need to understand that you are pregnant. Yes, it is among the top early signs of recognizing pregnancy.

10 – Feeling Bad

Yes, when you notice mood swings, you need to understand that it could be an early sign of pregnancy. Yes, many women say that they start feeling bad about everything around them even without a valid reason.

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