
5 Early Warning Signs That You Might Have Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer

Cancer is the most dangerous disease and this disease is mostly found in many people. This disease is the most painful. The thing is that this disease is not of only one type. It has many types like breast cancer, lung cancer, and many others.

Talking about lung cancer, it is a very dangerous and painful disease. Many people have faced this disease and some of them are still fighting with this disease.

Lung cancer has three types of stages early, mid, and last stage. The last stage is the most painful and difficult.

There are many signs and many symptoms which may alarm you about this disease but you should be careful and aware of it.

Some of the signs and the symptoms are so common that you don’t even know that you are suffering from such a dangerous disease as lung cancer.

Now, here are some of the early warning signs which you may face and these early warning signs may aware of lung cancer:

1. As you know that cough is a very common problem which most people are facing but it is common to some extent only.

The cough should not be too harsh and if it is very harsh then it may be a sign of a very dangerous disease i.e. lung cancer.

If you are coughing and some blood comes out of your throat or mouth then it is a warning sign that you are suffering from lung cancer.

If you notice any of these symptoms or signs then you should directly go to your doctor for a test.

2. If you are facing some kind of difficulty in breathing then you should be aware of it.

Breathing only changes when there is some kind of problem or if you are suffering from any disease.

Sometimes, due to lung cancer, the path from where the air goes or passes gets blocked and it may cause shortage of breath and you will find difficulty in breathing.

3. Body pain in the body is very common but it should be only due to some reason like if you are stressed, tired or you have done any type of extra work or loaded work then only body pain is common.

But if it has caused without any reason in your back, shoulders, headache or any other area of your body then it may be the warning sign of lung cancer.

4. If you are suffering from lung cancer then you may also feel some kind of change in your voice and your voice will become harsh and you will feel some kind of difficulty in speaking.

5. If you are not losing your weight and even you are not following any diet to lose your weight and still you are losing your weight day by day without any reason.

Then it may be the early warning sign that you are suffering from lung cancer.

So, these are some of the early signs which you should be aware of and if you feel any of them in yourself then you should directly go to your doctor.

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