
12 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of A Dark Neck

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of A Dark Neck

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of A Dark Neck – A bright and fair face, with a tanned and dark neck? This is quite a disappointment for any girl when there is no uniformity in the face and neck color. Home Remedies To Get Rid Of A Dark Neck After the face, immediate focus must shift on the neck and thus taking care of it is of utmost importance.

Dark neck is caused by the following factors
1. Hormonal imbalance
2. Diabetes or other ailments
3. Obesity
4. Hyperpigmentation
5. Fungal infection
6. Chemicals in skin care products
If you are facing the problem, except when its fungal infection or diabetes as the root cause, then here are few effective yet easy remedies.
Get Rid Of A Dark Neck by:
1. Aloe vera
All you need
1. Aloe vera leaf
1. Cut open the aloe vera leaf
2. Apply the aloe gel generously over the neck.
3. Let it rest for a while
4. Rinse it off with cold water afterward.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
All you need
1. Apple cider vinegar
2. Water
3. Cotton
1. Mix 2 parts of ACV in 4 parts of water
2. Apply this with the help of a cotton ball on the neck
3. Let it rest for a while, and wash it off after a few minutes.
4. Do this twice a week for best results
3. Almond oil
All you need
1. 1 spoon almond oil
2. 1 drop tea tree oil
1. Mix almond and tea tree oil
2. Apply this mixture on the neck with the help of a cotton ball
3. Massage for 10 minutes
4. Wash off with lukewarm water
5. Repeat this every day for best results
4. Baking soda for dark neck
All you need
1. 2 spoons of baking soda
1. Mix baking soda and water to form a smooth paste
2. Apply this on the neck and let it dry
3. Scrub it off with wet fingers and later wash with water
4. Repeat this twice a week for best results.
5. Olive oil and lemon mask
All you need
1. 1 spoon olive oil
2. 1 spoon lime juice
1. Mix both
2. Apply on the neck and leave it overnight.
3. Wash off next morning
6. Potato mask
All you need
1. 1 potato
1. Grate a potato, and squeeze its juice
2. Apply it on the neck and leave it on for 15 minutes
3. Wash off with lukewarm water
7. Oats, tomato scrub
All you need
1. 1 spoon oats powder
2. 1 spoon tomato juice
3. 1 drop rose water
1. Mix everything and apply over the neck
2. Let it dry
3. Wet your fingers and scrub  it properly
4. Wash off once its cleaned.
8. Chickpea mask
All you need
1. 1 spoon chickpea flour
2. 1 pinch turmeric
3. 1 spoon yogurt
1. Mix all the ingredients
2. Apply this on the neck and keep it on for 15 minutes
3. Wash off with water.
All you need
1. 3-4 capsules
1. Apply oil that equals to 3-4 capsules on the neck
2. Let it dry for 15 minutes
3. Wash off with water
10.  Yogurt and lime
All you need
1. 1 spoon yogurt
2. 1/3 spoon lime juice
1. Mix all the ingredients
2. Apply on the neck and leave it on for 15 minutes
3. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry
4. Practice this twice a week for the best results.

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