Most of the people these days have a gluten intolerance. Means, in simple words, they are allergic to gluten. This is very common nowadays and is not that daunting as it may sound. First of all, what constitutes gluten?
Gluten is found in the below products
1. Wheat
2. Rye
3. Barley
4. Rye etc.
When you are newly diagnosed with coeliac disease ( a disease which prevents you from consuming any gluten food. You will find it quite daunting to go ahead and find easy substitutes. But, in the long run, slowly you will definitely learn to live with it and understand that it is not that difficult to lead a gluten-free life. Here is an article about 10 tips to eliminate gluten from your diet
1. Start reading labels:
Yes! This has to be the first step towards the anti-gluten diet. When you know that gluten does not suit you, better be safe than sorry. You just have to read the labels of the products before buying and check whether they have gluten or not. Fortunately, all the places in the UK and EU have specified on their products containing gluten, ho much ever little the amount is.
2. Substitute it:
You can always opt for the numerous choices in food when you want to avoid gluten-laden foods. Opt for cereals, pasta, gluten-free bread, rolls, etc. This can not only bring a variety on your plate but also help you avoid any complications that might occur after consuming gluten.
3. Vegetables and Fruits:
A lot of fruits and vegetables re naturally gluten-free, and hence can prove to be an excellent substitute for gluten-containing foods.
4. Opt for naturally gluten-free cereals:
These are easily available in any supermarket. corn, millet, and topic are some of the best known anti-gluten cereals that will help you in the lack of it, without compromising on natural benefits.
5. Know which alcohol to avoid:
Gluten-free alcohol includes cider, wine, sherry, spirits, port, and liqueurs, but remember that beer, lagers, stouts, and ales contain varying amounts of gluten and are not suitable for a gluten-free diet.
6. Be mindful while eating out:
When dining out, you can always check if the restaurant serves gluten-free friendly diet. This way, you can enjoy dining out without having to compromise on anything.
7. Beware of cross-contamination:
Even a tiny bit of gluten can be enough to cause symptoms for someone with coeliac disease, so make sure you minimize the risk of cross-contamination with gluten-containing foods. Do this by washing down kitchen surfaces before use, using separate butter, spreads and jams to minimize the spread of crumbs
8. Explore the kitchen:
Exploring the kitchen will definitely help you in finding out various gluten-free products, which you might not be aware of.
9. Avoid sauces containing gluten:
Lots of pasta sauces, gravies, stocks and condiments contain wheat flour, and therefore gluten, so ensure you read the label and exclude anything that isn’t suitable. Instead, try making your own pasta sauces and gravies using cornflour, arrowroot or potato starch to thicken them for a gluten-free option.
10. Do not make it boring
The trick here is to keep your meals interesting in spite of the gluten restriction. You can very well replace your usual staple diet with tasty pasta, bread rolls, colorful nongluten veggies, cereals, and grains.