
10 Signs That Show You Have Thyroid Problem


What are thyroid problems? How to make sure that we are not suffering from any thyroid problem? These are some of the common questions which people tend to ask their doctors, but sometimes, these questions are too late to be answered as the thyroid already gets severely affected before you even know.

Thus, it is very important to be well aware of the signs and symptoms of the thyroid problem so that you can take proper medications before it is too late.

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland that affects the whole human body through its hormones. When a problem starts pestering the thyroid gland it sends enough signals to the body for a person to make out that there is a problem. But people often tend to ignore those signs due to the lack of awareness about thyroid problems.

The thyroid gland secretes three major hormones; tetraiodothyronine, triiodothyronine, and calcitonin. These three hormones are responsible for increasing the overall metabolic rate in the body and stimulate the growth of children. These two functions are the most important functions of the body as it regulates the well being of your body.

The various thyroid problems are caused because of the deficiency of impairment of these three hormones.

What are thyroid problems?

Thyroid problems range from the harmless goiter to a deadly disease like cancer. One of the most common abnormalities of the thyroid gland includes alterations in the production of thyroid hormones.

If the hormones are poorly secreted it causes hypothyroidism and if it is secreted in a large quantity it may lead to hyperthyroidism. Thus the level of hormones should be well maintained in the human body.

What causes thyroid problems?

The various causes of the problems of thyroid gland include:
1. Grave’s disease

It is an autoimmune disease.
Here, the B lymphocytes produce antibodies called thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies which act by binding with membrane receptors of the TSH and activates the cAMP system of thyroid follicular cells which cause hypersecretion of the thyroid hormones leading to hyperthyroidism.

2. Thyroid adenoma

Tumor of the tissues of the thyroid gland are called thyroid adenoma. It causes hypersecretion of the thyroid gland leading to hyperthyroidism.

How to know if you are suffering from thyroid problems?
The signs showed by the thyroid gland, when it is affected, are:

1. Changes in the bodyweight

The thyroid hormones regulate the body weight by mobilizing the fat stored in the adipose tissue. If you experience a sudden increase or decrease in body weight, you can be sure about having a problem in the thyroid gland.

2. Intolerance to cold or heat

Thyroid hormones are responsible for increasing heat production in our body by increasing the basal metabolic rate of our body.
If you experience intolerance to cold, it can be caused due to hypothyroidism.

3. Problems in sleeping

Normal thyroxine level is very important for maintaining the normal sleep cycle. If you are facing problem in sleeping like, extreme somnolence, it can be a sign of hypothyroidism.

4. Nervous disturbances like extreme tiredness or nervousness

Thyroid hormones have a great impact on the central nervous system. It is responsible for the development and maintenance of the nervous system, thus any such changes can be a sign of the dysfunctioning thyroid gland.

5. Diarrhea

It can be a sign of hyperthyroidism as thyroxine is responsible for increasing the secretions and movements of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Increased sweating

This can be a sign of hypothyroidism caused due to vasodilatation.

7. Problems in sexual functioning

Normal thyroxine level is very important for normal sexual functioning.
Hypothyroidism causes loss of libido in men. Over secretion of the hormones in women can cause oligomenorrhea.

8. Fatigue of muscles

Thyroxine plays important role in the normal functioning of skeletal muscles. Hypersecretion of this hormone can cause weakness of muscles because of the catabolism of protein in the body,

On the other hand the deficiency of this hormone can cause sluggishness of the muscles.

9. Protrusion of the eyeballs

Most of the patients of hyperthyroidism show signs of eyeball protrusion. It is also called exophthalmos.

10. Scaliness of the skin

If you are noticing some severe changes in your skin, then it can actually be a sign of hypothyroidism.

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