Menstrual cycles usually come along with some severe cramps, mood swings, headaches, and bloating. These cramps do not restrain themselves to a specific region; cramps can cover up your entire body and cause you immense abdominal pain for 3-7 days straight.
Apart from these, menstrual cycles also bring along cravings and mood swings. However, you will be surprised to know that they are some foods that help in relieving your menstrual cramps.
The foods of menstrual cycles are the ones that reduce the signs of your regular PMS. These include cramps, migraines, and bloating.
I know all of us to crave unhealthy foods during our menstrual cycles but if you want to reduce your cramps; you must choose to eat some healthy foods for your menstrual cramps.
Here are 10 Best Foods For Menstrual Cramps:
1) Bananas:
Bananas are one of the best fruits you can eat on your menstrual cycle. It is rich in potassium and vitamin B6 that enhances water retention thereby reducing bloating and cramps. You can have 2 bananas in your breakfast and you will be active for the rest of the day.
2) Kiwi:
Kiwi is another fruit that helps in relieving your cramps. This is the best food for your menstrual cramps. The vitamins, proteins, and minerals present in kiwi ease your bowel movements during your period. This will ease your digestion and make bearing your period an easier task.
3) Coconut Water:
Although, coconut water does not go in the list of ‘food for menstrual cramps’, it is one food item you should not miss out on during your period. Coconut water helps in relieving cramps to a great extent and helps your body to relax. If you have severe menstrual cramps, make sure you don’t miss out on drinking coconut water 2-3 times a day.
4) Dark Chocolate:
Yes! If you are craving some chocolates during your period, then you can go for dark chocolate. This is undoubtedly the best food for menstrual cramps. It helps in relieving cramps, reducing bloating, and ease bowel movements.
5) Cinnamon:
Cinnamon is another food for menstrual cramps; that helps you get rid of unusual abdominal pain effectively. Just sprinkle some cinnamon powder on your daily food items and consume them on a daily basis. Cinnamon on the other hand also helps in maintaining hormonal balance.
6) Oatmeal:
Oats occupy the topmost position in ‘the best foods for menstrual cramps’. Oats help in relieving even the most painful cramps within a few minutes. It is recommended by several doctors to go for oats to get rid of menstrual cramps than using painkillers.
7) Basil:
Don’t forget to include basil in your diet if you want to get rid of menstrual cramps naturally. Basil has caffeic acid which makes it a natural pain killer and the best food for menstrual cramps. Just add some basil on your daily ethnic recipes and eat the same.
8) Fish:
Fish are rich in magnesium, healthy fatty acids, and other minerals. Consuming fishes during your periods will reduce almost all signs of PMS especially menstrual cramps.
9) Walnuts, Almonds, and Pumpkin Seeds:
Walnuts and almonds are said to be rich in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, potassium, etc that help in reducing menstrual cramps. You can add these nuts along with pumpkin seeds on yogurt and have it twice a day. These are considered as one of the best food for menstrual cramps.
10) Papaya:
Papaya is incredibly rich in vitamins and can help you get rid of cramps instantly. Papaya is powerful food for menstrual cramps that also eases bowel movements and eases digestion.
These were some of the food items that will help you get rid of menstrual cramps in a natural way.