
Make Your Child Healthier With These Simple Steps


We all want our Healthy Children to eat healthy food, but it doesn’t always happen even with the best of intentions.  If you suspect this to be the case in your family, it would be prudent to turn to supplements for that added security.

Even the American Medical Association offers a tip for healthy children.  They recommend daily multivitamins to be taken as “insurance” for kids to be healthy.  In this way they’ll have the necessary nutrients their bodies require.

Essential Vitamins:

  • Vitamin A is essential for growth, development and a healthy immune system
  • B Vitamins (8 essential ones) are necessary for energy, brain function and stress management – especially good for people who eat processed foods and refined carbs.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for brain and immune function as well as healthy skin
  • Vitamin D is crucial in bone development, and deficiencies can impair growth. Especially important for those not getting enough sunshine

Don’t Forget Fish:

  • Another tip for healthy kids is essential fatty acids, especially omega-3s.
  • They are essential for the development and health of the brain, heart, nervous system, tissues, skin and immune system.
  • Extremely important for school age kids is the omega-3, DHA.
  • Consider supplementing if the following DHA foods are lacking from your family’s diet: cold water fish (salmon and tuna), flax seed, dark leafy greens and walnuts.

Eat A Rainbow:

It’s best to daily eat foods of a variety of colors to get the nourishment essential for proper nutrition.  Select natural foods that are purple, blue, red, orange, yellow or green in color. Choose fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored.

Avoid Dangerous Fats:

Eliminate snacks and desserts with hydrogenated fats…these are added to many conventional processed foods aimed at kids.  The hydrogenation process transforms vegetable oils into solid fats which are rich in Tran’s fatty acids.

Studies have shown that Tran’s fatty acids increase the risk of coronary heart disease because they raise the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and decrease the good (HDL).

Sugar – A Healthy Food?

  • Consuming high intakes of refined sugar can be at the bottom of many health problems and risks such as obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. It can also limit the desire for more nutritious foods.
  • There are many healthy foods that are high in nutrients but lower in sugar.
  • Substitute the refined sweets for more wholesome, healthy treats such as fresh or dried fruits, unsweetened applesauce and granola as toppings.
  • Dilute 100% fruit juices with pure water.
  • There are healthy alternative sweeteners for baking – maple syrup, molasses, honey and agave nectar.

So What Is The Glycemic Index?

  • This pertains to the speed a carbohydrate is digested, enters the bloodstream, and raises the blood sugar levels.
  • The danger of high glycemic foods like refined flours and high sugar drinks, is that they are quickly digested which causes a rapid spike in blood sugar and insulin levels. Effects like these have been linked to overeating, obesity and diabetes.
  • Conversely, the low glycemic index foods offer more stabilized blood sugar levels, have proven to decrease cholesterol levels and have lowered the risk of diabetes.
  • So the importance of switching high glycemic index foods for low ones is obvious. When followed, blood sugar levels will be balanced, and healthy eating habits will be established.
  • Lower glycemic index foods are generally high in fiber and protein and are more filling. Foods with the lowest glycemic index include beans, dairy products, fruits & vegetables and whole grains.
  • Low GI foods satisfy your hunger, increase your energy levels and eliminate your desire to eat more than you should.

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