
Staph Infections: Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Treatment.


What are Staph infections?

Staph infections are nothing but bacterial infections called by the “Staphylococcus bacteria.” Staphs are one of the common types of bacteria that can be found in your nose, mouth, genitals, feet, and anal area.

These bacteria are usually harmless and cause no infections on a daily basis or pose as a threat. They do not indicate any kind of underlying disease until the infections turn into boils and then become severe.


Staph infections occur when there is a small cut or opening on your skin and the bacteria enter your body. Staphs can enter the bloodstream, bones, lungs, or heart. These bacteria can easily be transmitted from person to person.

They live on objects such as pillowcases or towels long enough to transfer to the next person. Staphs also survive stomach acids and extreme temperatures. The infection occurs as honey-yellow crusting on your skin. The staph infections range from developing into small boils to flesh-eating infections.

The difference and criteria depend on how deeper it goes, how quickly it spreads, how it appears, and how it is treated. Staph infections are usually treatable by specific medications and anti-biotics.

Types of staph infections:

There are several types of staph infections depending on their appearance, spread, severity, and treatment. Some of the common types of staph infections are:


Boils are the simplest yet common types of staph infection. Boils occur as pus-filled bulges that are usually developed in the hair follicle or oil gland. The boils can be treated and when they break open, it will drain pus. Boils occur often under the arms or around the groin.


Cellulitis is the staph infection that appears as a reddish- infection of the deeper layers of skin. This also causes swelling on the surface of your skin.


Impetigo is a painful rash that is caused by staph bacteria. It usually appears as large blisters that may ooze fluid and then develop into a honey-colored crust.

Staphylococcal scalded syndrome:

This type of staph infection occurs with fever, a rash and sometimes as large blisters. When the blisters break, the top layer of skin comes off and leaves a red yet raw surface.


Staph infections can be a little difficult to treat as they have developed antibiotic resistance.

Some types of staphs have resistance to even the strongest antibiotics. However, there are some antibiotics that work and can treat staph infections.

If the infections are unable to treatment, then they are surgically cleaned. There has been a lot of research going on to develop better antibiotics, but prevention is better than cure.


  • Maintain hygiene
  • Don’t share towels, objects, and clothes often.
  • When you get a cut, clean and apply an anti-septic
  • Wash your hands regularly

Genital Skin Tags: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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