If you are fat with heavyweight then definitely you want to lose your weight but it can only be possible if you stop eating the foods which are less sugared and with low calories.
It is very important to calculate the calories that you burn during your exercise so that you will get to know that how many calories you are burning through your exercises and balanced diet.
But the exercise is not only done or performed to just lose the weight but it may also help you in making your nose look pretty good. If you want to keep your nose in shape and there are many exercises which you can perform which will help you.
As you know that many women keep their noses in shape by applying make-up on their noses. There are many make-up products which will help you in keeping your nose in shape but it is just for some time.
Even, many women go for plastic surgery to keep their noses in shape but as you know that these types of plastic surgeries are not at all good for your health. If you want to keep your nose in shape naturally then you should perform the exercises for that.
Here are some of the exercises which you should perform to keep your nose in shape:
1. NOSE SHAPING: This exercise is very effective for you and it will help you in keeping your nose in shape. In this exercise, you have to press the sides of your nose with your fingers and then just breathe very forcefully but only at a limited speed. Your pressure should only be applied to the bottom area of your nostrils. You have to do this exercise regularly.
2. NOSE SHORTENING: As this name suggests, this exercise will provide you two benefits. The first benefit is that your nose will keep in shape and even your nose will become shorter and look shorter. In this exercise, you have to place your index finger to the tip of your nose and then start breathing by applying pressure on the downward side and just keep doing this exercise daily for better and quick results.
3. NOSE STRAIGHTENING: This exercise will help you to keep your nose in shape and also, your nose will become straight. For this, you have to smile, and by doing that just push your nose in the upward directions with the help of your fingers so that the muscles of your nose will stretch and your nose will become straight.
4. BREATHING: As you have seen this exercise is most of the videos or in the movies. In this exercise, you have to place your finger on your first nostril and just block your one nostril and start inhaling, stop for some seconds and then exhale. The same is to be done with the other nostril.
5. NOSE WIGGLING: As this name already suggests, in this exercise, you have to wiggle your nose. You have to make your face in the still position and start wiggling your nose as it will help you in keeping your nose in shape.
6. NOSE MASSAGING: It is very important to massage your nose properly so that blood circulation will improve and also your nose will come in shape. You have to move your fingers in a circular motion and just massage to all the areas of your nose.
7. ELIMINATING THE SMILE LINE: As you know that as your age will increase, the smile line yours will start becoming more noticeable and deeper than before. To get rid of this, you have to fill the air in the mouth and just fill it full and after that swish the air in all the directions. It will help you a lot.
So, these are some of the exercises which will help you in keeping your nose in shape.