BeautySkin Care

What Do You Know About Basal Skin?

basal skin

The basal skin type is more of cancer. It is a carcinoma of the basal cells. The basal cells are present under the epidermis and produce new cells when the old skin cells die.

The basal skin develops due to excessive sun exposure. The basal skin has several symptoms and is considered to be one of the least types of risky cancers.

The basal cell carcinoma is mostly observed in areas that are exposed to sun or UV rays. The basal skin appears to be light bumps at first and is followed by bigger or severe ones.

The basal skin is seen on your face and neck a little more as these areas are repeatedly exposed to the sun.


The basal cell carcinoma begins with small pearly bumps that are less likely to spread throughout your body. Most of the basal cell carcinomas are caused by excessive UV rays exposure.

This exposure causes a mutation in your DNA and the cancerous basal cells are produced by your body. You can avoid and reduce the risk of this carcinoma by applying sunscreen religiously when you leave your house.


Basal skin or the basal cell carcinoma begins with several changes in your skin. Some of these changes being the development of bumps or sores that do not heal away. Some of the other common symptoms of basal cell carcinoma are:

· A pearly white or pink bumps
· Brown or bluish-black skin lesions
· Flat scaly reddish patches
· White lesions

Factors that increase your chances of having a basal skin:

There are several factors that increase the risk facts of having basal skin. Some of the common risk factors are:

· Chronic sun exposure
· Aging
· Radiation therapy
· Intake of immune-suppressive drugs
· Allergic to arsenic

How can you prevent and control the development of basal skin?

1. Do not go out in the sun often-

If you have sensitive skin or if you are more prone to allergies, stay home during peak hours.

2. Use sunscreen religiously-

Sunscreens protect you from sun damage.

3. Wear protective clothing-

Wrap your body with tightly woven clothes if you are more prone to basal skin. Some companies also sell protective clothing. A dermatologist can recommend an appropriate brand. Don’t forget sunglasses.

4. Avoid tanning beds as they emit UV rays
6. Notice the changes in your skin and consult a dermatologist if you experience anything unusual.

There is no need to worry as basal skin or the basal cell carcinoma can be treated and is one of the least risky types of cancers. Consult your dermatologist for further assistance

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