
Top 5 Aloe Vera Face Mask for Regular Use

Top 5 Aloe Vera Face Mass for Regular Use

Aloe Vera Face Mask is indeed one of the most underestimated natural agents that will give you flawless skin. It is widely recommended for almost every type of skin and various skincare routines. Aloe Vera can be included in your daily skincare routine for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Some of the benefits of using Aloe Vera Face Mask on your skin are- it helps you in getting rid of acne, treating cysts/zits on skin, exfoliation, de-tanning, and cleansing out all your clogged skin pores.

1) Aloe Vera and Almond Oil:

Aloe vera and almond oil are the two most beneficial substances that work exceptionally well on your skin. This mask will help in exfoliation and treating acne.

How to use:

Mix 2 tbsp of almond oil and 1 tbsp aloe vera in a bowl. Mix these ingredients thoroughly and apply it on your face. Leave it for 25 minutes and then wash it off. Repeat this twice a week for best results.

2) Aloe Vera Face Mask and Rose Water:

I have been using this mask for a year now. Undoubtedly, this has been working like a miracle on my skin. It helps in exfoliating your skin and de-tans your skin very well.

How to use:

Mix 2 tbsp of rose water with 1 tbsp of aloe vera in a bowl. Mix them thoroughly well and apply it on your face. You can either leave it overnight or for 20 minutes. Wash it off with plain water and pat dry.

3) Aloe vera and Honey:

Honey and aloe vera both are proven to have amazing antibacterial properties. It helps in treating acne and exfoliates your skin.

How to use:

Mix 2 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of aloe vera in a bowl. Mix the above-mentioned ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off with plain water and pat dry. Repeat this twice a week for good results.

4) Shea butter and Aloe Vera:

Shea butter helps in moisturizing your skin, fights acne, and exfoliates your skin. Along with aloe vera, it proves to act as a beneficial hair mask.

How to use:

Mix 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel along with 1 tbsp of shea butter in a bowl. Mix these thoroughly and add 2 tbsp of olive oil. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with plain water.

5) Tomato juice and Aloe Vera:

Tomato juice provides your skin with essential vitamins and minerals. Apart from these, it also nourishes your skin and prevents breakouts.

How to use:

Mix 3 tbsp of tomato juice with 2 tbsp of aloe vera in a bowl. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it until it dries. Wash it off with plain water and pat dry. Repeat this every week for flawless skin!

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