
Skin Redness And Its Home Remedies


A fact that many people are ignorant of- The Skin is the largest human organ. It is the outermost covering of our bodies. Protection, regulation of body temperature and sensation of the degree of hotness and coldness are the elementary functions that a skin performs. Skin redness is the occurrence of red or swollen patches that might cause itching or irritation. There are innumerable causes of skin redness which range from sunburn to an allergic reaction, to burns, chronic diseases, and mild eczema. We may also notice swelling, rashes, sores, bumps, blistering, warmth in the skin along with skin redness. Whenever the skin faces any such conditions, due to its natural defense system, it gushes out extra blood to the skin surface to ward off irritation and stimulate healing. 

Some basic home remedies can prove exceptionally effective in treating skin redness. Firstly, it is also of paramount importance to calm down skin redness. Hence, natural products like cucumber slices, aloe Vera, honey can help a plenitude to subdue skin redness. Skin inflammation can also be cured by an oatmeal scrub which not only provides hydration but also acts as a tranquilizing agent. Pure virgin coconut oil has been a vital ingredient used since ages for ameliorating skin redness due to its anti-oxidant properties. Application of Essential oils like Lavender, Tea Tree, Thyme, Jasmine along with carrier oils like coconut or almond can also prove miraculous for the skin. Neem is a boon for the skin. Boiling neem leaves and applying it to the affected areas with the help of cotton balls reduces the itching. 

Apart from this one should always keep their home and offices fully ventilated so as to allow inflow of fresh air and further must keep a tab on his/her diet by refraining from spicy and fried food. Keeping oneself hydrated by drinking adequate amounts of water and avoiding direct exposure to the sun can help combat skin redness. However, if the problem still persists then one should immediately seek medical advice from the doctor. 

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