
Safe Grocery Shopping In A Pandemic

Safe Grocery Shopping In A Pandemic

Covid-19 has taken a toll on our lives and has forced us to make many changes in our lifestyle. WHO has declared the sudden outbreak of Covid-19 as “National Health Emergency” and it is an official pandemic. It has been months and there is no relief in the number of cases every day.

According to WHO, this will continue for 2-5 years and we must try adjusting our lives with the virus. Moreover, several countries have lifted the lockdown irrespective of its spread. We are directed to shop for our groceries and essentials.

Here are the steps you must take for safe grocery shopping:

1) Don’t forget your mask:

In a pandemic like this, the primary thing which has to go in pockets and purses before wallets are the mask. Make sure you do not leave your house without a mask. Carry it with you where ever you go and wear whenever needed especially in crowded places.

2) Carry your gloves:

It is better advised to use disposable gloves whenever you go for grocery shopping. You can buy washable gloves too but all you have to remember is washing it as soon as you return home without touching anything else.

3) Maintain one-hand Distance:

The supermarkets are surely filled with people and have become one of the most crowded places around the world. Make sure you maintain at least one-hand or a feet distance from people. Do not stand nearby and respect everyone’s distance. Practice social distancing effectively even while shopping.

4) Give the Full amount:

Try giving out the exact money to the cashier. Don’t go for change or using your card. When you return home, iron the notes (money) and then hand it to other people.

5) Avoid Going Out In Peak Hours:

Avoid going for grocery shopping during peak hours. Either go for early morning grocery shopping or for late evening. This will make you interact less with people and avoid contracting the virus.

6) Carry a Sanitizer:

Make sure you carry the sanitizer along with you. Use sanitizer as soon as you finish grocery shopping especially before you return to your house. Clean your hands thoroughly and then enter your house. Store sanitizer in your car, place another near the door/entrance, and another in your pocket.

7) Wash the Fruits and Vegetables Thoroughly:

Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Place them in warm water mixed with salt for 20 minutes before storing them or using them.

8) Buy the Groceries Required For at Least a Week:

It’s okay to do bulk-grocery shopping so that you don’t have to step out of your house often. Buy all the required grocery items for at least a week and try staying at home more rather than going out to buy petty things.

9) Shower As Soon as You Return Home:

Drop your grocery bags on the table and head straight to the bathroom. Do not touch anything and go for a full shower instantly. This will not only protect you but also your loved ones from contracting the virus.

10) Spread Awareness:

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