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Japan may have an answer for its Apple AirPods ‘issue’

Japan may have an answer for its Apple AirPods 'issue'

One of the greatest dread for individuals who have purchased — or plan to purchase — Apple AirPods is losing them. While the AirPods do offer an agreeable and cozy fit, they aren’t safe to drops and falls. What’s more, with drops, no one can tell where the AirPods may wind up. Take the instance of Japan, where AirPods as well as the dropping of a wide range of remote earbuds has become a serious issue. 

As indicated by a report by CultofMac (through The Japan Times), there have been around 850 instances of individuals dropping their remote earbuds at 78 stations in Tokyo territory among July and September. The dropped things are frequently asked by travelers to be recovered. East Japan Railway Co. or then again otherwise called JR East has joined forces with Panasonic “to build up a vacuum cleaner-type gadget that gets dropped headphones,” expresses the report. 

The testing of the gadget is as of now in progress at the Ikebukuro station and it works significantly quicker than an ordinary grabber device. Authorities at the station, according to the report, regularly search for the dropped things after the last trains of the day have quit running. A JR East authority was cited as saying that “it’s difficult to gather the dropped earbuds.” 

The report shows a video which includes the Apple AirPods as being dropped by travelers at the stations. Suburbanites frequently drop remote earbuds while boarding or de-boarding the trains and even while looking out for the stage. Till now, the authorities at the station have been utilizing a grabber apparatus to get objects that fall onto the rail tracks. Nonetheless, on account of remote earbuds like the Apple AirPods, it gets hard to get from the apparatus as they frequently stuck among the rock, added the report.

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