One of the most common problems of today’s generation is obesity. Obesity has always been a major issue, but owing to the hectic life zero work-life balance these days, obesity is more prevalent than it ever was. With less to no time to look after one’s health, we tend to put on those extra pounds even without realizing it. We realize it only when we put on those adamant flaps of weight that just refuse to go away. And then the later we realize, the harder it is to lose that fat. Either we resort to an extremely strict diet, that leaves us feeling hungry or extreme workouts that are very straining. But there is one way where you can lose weight following 3 simple steps, that too scientifically. Below are those 3 magical simple steps to lose weight.
Step 1: Cut down on Sugars and carbs ( starch)
Sugars and Carbohydrates are the major culprits in our diet that prevent us from losing weight. Cutting down on carbs can cause lower hunger levels. Consumption of sugars and starch can make us lose only sugars when we work out or feel hungry. But cutting down on those can help body feed on body fats when needed, rather than starch or carbohydrates. Cutting carbs from your diet have yet another advantage, it reduces insulin levels that ultimately result in the expulsion of excess sodium and water from the kidneys thereby helping lower the bloating. It can result in losing up to 8-10 pounds in the very first week of following this diet.
Step 2: Consume proteins, fats, and vegetables
Fish and Seafood: Salmon, trout, shrimp, etc.
Eggs: Whole eggs with the yolk are best.
Low carb vegetables include:
Brussels sprouts
Swiss chard
Rich sources of fat:
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Avocado oil
Be careful that eating low fat and low carb diet at a time can prove to be dangerous.
3. Lift weights 3 times per week:
Though exercise is not considered as important as diet in this plan, it is advisable to work out and lift weights at least 3 times a week. If you are new to the gym, take your trainer’s assistance and guidance for this. lifting weights can help you burn many calories and lowers your metabolism, which is a common side effect of losing weight. If lifting weights is not your cup of tea, then opt for cardio.