
Home Remedies for Insect Bite


Insect bites and sting result in redness, swelling, and itching. In certain cases infection caused could be life-threatening. The vary symptoms which one displace are a basically allergic reaction to the entry if venom through the Insect bites and stings.


Symptoms: Red bump, Itching, Swelling, difficulty in speaking, difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing, dizziness


Who is Susceptible?

Persona living in tropical areas, summer in non-tropical areas

Spending time in the garden

Overcrowding and poor hygiene

Shifting to a house in which the previous owner kept pets

Dilapidated housing

Tourism destinations, trains, cinemas, hospital wards and clinic waiting rooms, staff and student accommodation, hotels


Stage of Reaction:

  1. No observable reaction, a period of induction if hypersensitivity.
  2. Pruritic papules appear after about 24 hours of bite and lasting for several days.
  3. Patient in addition developing an immediate wheal lasting for a few hours.
  4. Development of only immediate wheal without delayed papule.



Applying Neem oil or mustard oil on the body as it acts as a mosquito repellent.

In case a bee has tongue you remove the stinger from your skin as soon as possible.


List of Home Remedies:


Turmeric and Basil Leaves: Take 2 teaspoons of crushed basil leave (tulsi). Add two teaspoons of turmeric powder (Haldi) and mix properly to make a paste, apply this paste on the infected parts.


Onion: In case of a bee sting take a slice of onion. Place the slice on bee sting holds it and places it on the wound for about an hour.


Baking Soda: Take some baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply the paste on the bee stings to reduce swelling and pain.


Aloe Vera: Apply the Aloe Vera gel on the infected area directly.


Tooth Paste: Apply a small amount of toothpaste based on peppermint or Neem, allow it to dry.


Garlic: Take raw garlic and rub it on your wound.


Salt and Water: Take some water and add some iodine salt to it to make a fine paste. Apply the paste directly on your wound.


Tea Tree or Rosemary Oil: Take a small amount of tea tree oil or rosemary oil and dilute it in some water and apply it on the infected part.


Honey: Take a teaspoon of honey (raw honey) and apply directly to the infected part.


Apple Cider Vinegar: Take a cup of apple cider vinegar and dip a cotton cloth into it and use a band-aid on the bite. Change the band-aid as if necessary.


Papaya: Mashed a piece of papaya, apply on the bite leave it on for about an hour then wash it off.


Ice Cube: Apply the ice pack on a bug bite to get relives from pain, itchiness, and swelling.


Banana Peel: Take a banana peel and rub it on the affected area with the inside of the banana peel.

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