
Home Remedies for Eye Pain

Eye Pain

Eye pain is usually a sign of an underlying problem and should never be ignored. Discomfort or pain can be caused by a problem in the eye or structure around it.

Common Causes: One may also suffer from eye pain due to prolonged exposure to computers or video games or watching TV. It can also be happen due to insufficient sleep, or sun exposure. Infusion of allergens such as dust, chemicals, smoke and pollen in the eye all leads to burning. Sometime extreme temperature may also cause dryness, irritation and burning of eyes.

Prevention: Avoid rubbing the eyes as it may increase the burning sensation. Drink lot of water throughout the day. Intake of extra fluids helps to keep the eyes hydrated and fresh. Cluster headaches may involve pain around one eye, along with drooping of the lid, and congestion on the same side as the pain.

Sign and Symptoms: Common symptoms that can accompany this condition include watery eyes, red / pink appearance of the eye and swollen eye lids. We have some easy homemade remedies for you that will help you get relief from this condition.

List of Home Remedies:

Chamomile: We will use chamomile for its anti inflammatory properties that helps soothe burning eyes. Take one cup of water, Add a handful of dried chamomile flowers. Boil the chamomile flowers and strain the water and allow it cool down then wash your eyes with this water.

Milk: Add about 5 to 6 tablespoons of cold milk in a cup or bowl. Dip a cotton cloth into it and apply on the eyelids. Leave it on for about five minutes then remove the cotton cloth and wash your eyes with normal water.

Rose Water and Alum: Take four gram of alum and mix with 25 gram of rose water. Use two drops of rose water or any boil water daily 2 to 3 times.

Ear Bud: In the initial stage of pain, one can also try inserting a cotton bud. If your left eye is paining then insert bud in your left ear or if your right eye is paining then insert the bud in your right ear. If you’re both eyes are paining then inserts the buds in your both ears.

Triphala Water: Wash your eyes with triphala water daily 2 to 3 times a day. Soak two tbsp of triphala powder in water for overnight. In the next morning shake the water for few minutes then strain the water and use to wash the eyes.

Raw Honey: Put one drop of raw honey in the effected eye. You will feel burning sensation but do not worry. Honey has a full of natural antibacterial properties that can protect your eyes from any infection.

Cucumber: Take one slice of thin cucumber; put it in your refrigerator for about 10 minutes. Later take them out and place it on your eyes for about 10 minutes.

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