
Genital Warts Home Remedies


Genital warts are one of the most common STDs out there but there are still so many people who do not really know what it is. HPV is what causes genital warts and they mainly occur around the genitals and anus. This type of STD is mainly seen in young adults which is why there is a need for home remedies for genital warts.

There are not a lot of symptoms for genital warts but you will definitely know it when you have it. If you do not visibly see the warts, then watch out for burning and itching in your genital areas. You may also experience redness, inflammation, pain during sex and if you have them around your anus you may experience trouble or pain while passing a bowel movement.

If you really want to know the best home remedy, it is simply prevention. Simply things like avoiding smoking cigarettes can help you prevent yourself from getting them back. Condoms are an absolute must when you are having sex, especially with multiple partners. While the condoms won’t completely protect you they can lower your risk of becoming infected. If you are not sure you have genital warts try looking at some photos online to see if there are any similarities in your condition and the ones you see.

In severe cases of genital warts though, even the most effective home remedies for genital warts cannot clear up the infection and in those cases you should seek out medical treatment so you can get the right antibiotics.

Here are some commonly used and suggested home remedies for genital warts.

Vitamin E Oil and Garlic: One good home remedy to try out requires you get some Vitamin E oil, garlic and adhesive tape. Spread the Vitamin E oil all over the infected areas and then sprinkle a little garlic over it. Next you want to cover the area with the adhesive tape and repeat this once every couple of day; the warts should start to fall off within a week’s time.

Onion Juice: Onion juice is pretty much a home remedy for any kind of infection and that also goes for genital warts. To make an effective juice mixture you want to leave pieces of onions covered in a nice layer of salt over night. Then you just apply the piece 3 to 4 times a day on the infected area until you start to see the warts disappear or fall off.

Diet: If your genital warts are pretty severe then you may need to follow a genital warts focused diets. Diet changes are one of the best home remedies for genital warts because food affects all parts of the body. You want to make sure you have plenty of beta carotene and folic acid in your diet first off. Eat fruits and vegetables that are bright in color (yellow, red, orange, etc) and also increase the amount of dark leafy substances you are eating.

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