
Effective Home Remedies For Acidity

Effective Home Remedies For Acidity

There are several Effective Home Remedies For Acidity. It is wise for any heartburn sufferer to make sure to know what they are. Although the things we eat are the usual culprits for an onset, sometimes we truly are surprised by what triggers it. The great news is that most of these home remedies are commonly on hand, and are extremely low-cost.


  • Burning in the throat or stomach
  • Bad breath
  • Swallowed food feels ‘stuck’
  • Excessive burping
  • Sour mouth taste
  • Nausea
  • Weight loss
  • Pressure in chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting – if there is blood, seek medical attention, as this could indicate a very serious problem.

An important step in controlling heartburn is understanding what foods cause it. Although sometimes the triggering foods will vary per person, there are certain foods that are simply notorious trouble makers for our esophagus. Here are some foods to avoid.

Food That Causes Heartburn
  • Fried and fatty foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Tomatoes and tomato sauce
  • Citrus
  • Butter and margarine
  • whipped cream
  • Mayonnaise
  • Chocolate
  • Creamy Sauces
  • Creamy Dressings
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Cheese

There are also beverages that wreak havoc to a sensitive esophagus, and they include anything citrus, chocolate milk, carbonated and caffeinated beverages, as well as alcohol.

List of Home Remedies:

Honey: Honey is a favorite remedy for heartburn sufferers. Two tablespoons are usually enough, and the purer the honey, the better the results.

Chamomile Tea: One cup of chamomile tea after a meal can do wonders for digestion (and is enjoyable too!).

Water: If a large glass of water is drunk at the very first sign of a symptom, it may be enough to stop the heartburn in its tracks. This will only be effective with mild heartburn, and a quick response.

Mint: This is a hit or miss. Some people swear nothing cures their heartburn better than a candy cane or peppermint candy, while others say these things cause their heartburn! So home remedies for acidity vary from one person to another.

Vinegar: This may sound like just about the worst thing you could swallow with a burning stomach and throat, however, vinegar usually delivers amazing results. Apple cider vinegar is best, however many reports white vinegar works just as good. One teaspoon, followed by a glass of water, and you should be in business.

Chewing Gum: Many heartburn sufferers say a mild stick of gum, such as Juicy Fruit, usually battles acidity effectively as well as conveniently. Be sure to stay away from powerful flavors, such as cinnamon, these will work to only worsen the heartburn. If these home remedies for acidity worsen the heartburn other alternatives must be considered.

Milk: Another really common cure for heartburn is a cold glass of milk. However, experts say that this is actually only a short-term solution that leads to further acid production. Every person is different, and the foods that cause heartburn, as well as the cures, vary considerably, this means treatment differs according to individual person.

The bottom line is heartburn is a very common issue for many people. Because of this many people have searched for alternative options, and so there are. Supply and demand have ensured there are tons of proven and effective home remedies for acidity. The best plan starts with prevention and only calls on remedy as to a back-up.

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