
Does Lemon Juice Help Dark Circles Under Eyes


Dark gloomy eyes are one thing that any woman dreads of. It can spoil our entire look, and make it worse if we neglect it for long. These can cause really unattractive image and also can hinder our confidence in many ways.

Dark circles can be hereditary or can be caused because of stress or lack of sleep. There can be many factors affecting dark circles, and there are many over the counter medicines available too. But not always, do the creams or lotions work. It takes time, and also pose perils of side effects.
In this scenario,  there are many home remedies available too, to fight off dark circles. In this article, we throw light upon Does Lemon Juice Help Dark Circles Under Eyes? Let’s check
First, of, let’s go through the health benefits of lemon
Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and citric acid, that helps in discoloration of darkened skin.
It not only lightens and brightens but also tightens the skin.
It has properties of natural exfoliator and thus works best for exfoliation
How To Go Ahead?
1. Take 2 spoons lemon juice in a bowl
2. Dip cotton balls for 2 minutes in the bo
3. Keep it on your closed eye for 15 minutes
4. Remove it immediately, in case you feel itching or irritation
5. Make sure to not let the juice seep in the eyes while doing this.
6. Finally, wash your eyes with cold water.
Other Ways to Hide Dark Circles
1. Apply a potato mask.
Just put a potato slice on your closed eyes for 15 minutes and later wash your eyes with cold water.
2. Baking soda mask.
Apply a mixture of baking soda and water to the under eyes. And leave it to dry for 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.
3. Use makeup.
This is one trick that can be used in an emergency. Use concealers and under-eye creams for this, to hide your dark circles in the last minute.

Eye Makeup Tips for Beginners Step by Step Guide

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