In the past majority of doctors and medical experts have always brushed off complains of chest and back pain, especially among women, as being psychological more than being physical. However, that trend has changed and no doctors actually pay considerable amount of attention to any complains of chest and back pain from patients.
The patterns of stress among different groups in the society vary considerably, especially between men and women. Women, due to work, family and home, have been prone to more stress than men. Recent studies have shown that the Chest and back pain experienced by majority of women is benign, having no signs of arterial blockage.
Studies have further revealed that the initial stance on the issue of chest and back pain, of them being psychological, is very much incorrect and these bouts of angina are very much real and pose a threat. Many experts state that these chest and back pain problems are very much an indication of Micro-vascular dysfunction. This condition causes the muscles of the blood vessels, feeding the heart with blood, to not expand and contract appropriately and put the heart under pressure. This leads to restricted supply of oxygen to heart causing sharp pain in the chest and middle back region.
Speculative Causes of Chest and Back Pain:
Following are some of the reasons why chest and back pain can occur.
Heart Conditions: It is widely known that the cardiac issues are one of the driving factors behind severe chest and back pain problems.
Angina Pectoris: Sometimes blocked arteries in the chest region lead to decreased supply of oxygen to the heart muscles causing bouts of pain in the chest cavity.
Acid Reflux: Acidity and gas has also been identified by many doctors as being the underlying cause behind chest and back pain problems. This problem however is short lived and can be easily countered by anti-acids or mint.
Periconditis: An inflamed heart lining can cause discomfort and result in chest and back pain in majority of individuals.
Arthritis: Arthritis is a condition that causes weakening of the bones. This is usually associated to aging or lowered calcium content in the bones of the individuals. Severe arthritis has been linked to chest and back pain problems since it causes weakening of the spine.
Gall Bladder: One surprising factor of chest and back pain is gall bladder issue. If an individual is suffering from any form of gall bladder problem then it is very likely that he/she will suffer from severe chest and back pain problems.
There is no doubt that research has proved that the above mentioned causes are very much related to chest and back pain. However, the fact still remains that the biggest cause of chest and back pain is stress. Stress has been categorized by many as being the strongest cause of chest and back pain. Because stress can lead to nerves malfunction which translates into muscle problems leading to chest pains and back pains.