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Breathing Yoga: 13 Types Of Breathing Techniques For Beginners


As you know that exercise and yoga are very important for you. They are very much beneficial for you. You should do the exercises and yoga daily as they will keep you healthy and also, your body will be safe from any type of body problem or disease.

Now, there are many types of yoga for you which you can do like some of the yoga poses are just for the breathing problem and this type of yoga is very good for you. Breathing yoga is very good for you and it will provide you many health benefits if you will start doing this breathing yoga daily.

You should always perform this breathing yoga daily in the morning as it will give you many benefits which you cannot imagine but the thing is that if you are a beginner then you should be careful while doing this exercise.

You should be in the right pose when you are performing breathing yoga. Also, if you are suffering from any type of problem-related to your neck, shoulder, or back then it can also be solved if you will do breathing yoga.

Here are some of the breathing techniques which every beginner should follow while doing breathing yoga for the first time:

1. Kapal Bhati: This breathing exercise will help you in removing all the types of waste and toxins from your body. It will also help you in burning your fat and you will be able to lose weight. If you are suffering from any type of problem-related to your stomach then it can also be resolved after doing this breathing yoga.

You have to just sit on the grass or the yoga mat by crossing your legs and just keep your hands on your knees and start breathing. You just have to apply the force when you are breathing out. Your breathing in process should be as normal as before.

2. BHASTRIKA PRANAYAMA: This yoga is very best for your mind and body. Your body will feel relaxed and calm after doing this breathing yoga. It will remove all the types of toxic waste from your body and purifies your blood also. If you are suffering from any type of allergy, asthma, thyroid then you just have to perform this yoga to get rid of it. Now, you just have to sit on the floor and start breathing forcefully.

3. ANULOM VILOM PRANAYAMA: If you are suffering from asthma or blood pressure problems then you should do this type of breathing yoga to get rid of it. Also, if you are very stressed nowadays then this breathing yoga will provide relief to you.

You have to sit on the floor with your legs crossed and after that just close your eyes and start pressing your right nostril with the help of your right thumb and just take a deep breath from your left nostril and vice versa.

4. BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA: This breathing yoga or you can say exercise will provide you relief from your tension and your anger too. If you are suffering from paralysis then it is very important to you to perform this yoga daily. You have to sit on your yoga mat and after that, you have to close your ears with your thumb and put your ladyfingers on your eyes and the index fingers on your temples.

After that, keep your ring and the little finger on the bridge of your nose and start breathing.

5. SITKARI PRANAYAMA: This breathing yoga is also very beneficial for people who are suffering from the problem of blood pressure. It will make your body as well as your brain and mind cool. To perform this yoga, you have to close your upper and lower teeth and you should try this yoga by making the tip of your tongue regulate air pressure.

6. SITALI PRANAYAMA: This yoga is basically performed by folding your tongue. It will help you lower your body temperature and also, it helps you in making your throat cool. In this breathing technique, you have to fold your tongue and make it in the O shape. After doing so, you have to start breathing i.e. exhaling and inhaling.

7. THE LONG EXHALE TECHNIQUE: As the name suggests, it is a type of yoga in which you have to try the long exhale technique. If you are suffering from a problem related to your sleep like if you are not able to sleep properly at night then you should try this yoga. This yoga is performed by lying on the floor and as the name suggests, you have to try to exhale for a long time but start doing this slowly.

8. YOGA BREATHING FOR BRONCHIAL ASTHMA: This yoga will help you in getting rid of the problem of cold and it will also boost your immune system which is very important for you nowadays. It will also help you in treating your bronchial asthma. This yoga is basically performed with the help of your tummy. You have to sit and inhale slowly but exhale fully.

9. BREATH AND STRETCH: This breathing exercise or yoga is best for women who are pregnant. They should do this yoga as it will keep them as well as their baby healthy. This yoga will make you energetic and also improve your blood circulation.

10. NADI SHODHANA: It will solve all your issues related to your hormones by making them balanced and healthy. Not only this, but it will also remove all the waste from your body. Here, you have to sit on your yoga mat and after that just press the nostril of your right nose with the help of your right ring finger and breath with the help of your left nostril and vice versa.

11. BAHYA PRANAYAMA: This yoga will make your body very healthy and strong by making all your reproductive organs healthy. It will also help you to get rid of all the problems related to your health. In this exercise, you have to hold for your breath as much time as you can and while doing so, you have to pull your stomach in the upward direction.

12. DIRGA PRANAYAMA: It is a very good type of yoga for meditation. It will help you in reducing all your stress, tension, anxiety from your mind by making it fresh and calm.

13. UJJAYI PRANAYAMA: If you are suffering from a problem related to cholesterol then you should try this yoga. It will not only make your mind power but also make your attitude very much positive. In this exercise, you have to sit on the yoga mat and inhale and exhale through your mouth and even nose too.


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