Beauty Secrets From The Kitchen –
Ever wondered why these days people are stressing more on nature-based ingredients? Gone are the days when we used to only rely on the market for ready-made products, as our very own kitchen is a haven of many resourceful ingredients. Just look in your kitchen and you will find so many useful kitchen ingredients that will not only help you boost your hair and skin but also keep you healthy.
Over the years, we have been bestowed with natural ingredients that keep our skin healthy and supple hair healthy and long, and healthy pink. This has always proven to be really helpful in terms of Beauty Secrets From The Kitchen as it has huge benefits that make our life easier than ever.
1. Clarified butter
This has used for ages, for chapped lips and cracked heels and can be used as a moisturizer too. Also called Ghee in Indian language, this can be used as follows
For lips – For chapped lips, warm a little ghee and apply it on the lips. Massage gently with fingers and you will see the result in just a week of doing this repeatedly.
For heels – For cracked heels, apply ghee on heels, and massage it vigorously. You can do it just before hitting the bed and put on clean socks after this for better results.
2. Turmeric
Turmeric, if pure, is considered the best antiseptic and can be used to treat and avoid many things and issues.
For skin, it can be used as a scrub, face cleanser, face pack, toner and etc.
All you need to do is
Mix chickpea flour, Tumeric and yogurt and form a paste, apply it on your face. Rinse it off after 10 minutes. This has many benefits as it can be used as a detan pack, scrub and face mask.
Mix rose water and turmeric and apply it on the face as a toner. Wash it off after 15 minutes
Mix sugar and turmeric and little rose water, and make it into a coarse paste. Apply as a scrub, wash it off with cold water.
3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one versatile agent that helps skin hair and overall health.
For skin –
Apply as a toner, moisturizer or scrub by using the following methods
You can use it as a toner, moisturizer, by applying it evenly on the skin.
This helps prevent dryness and fine lines
For hair-
Apply it vigorously and massage it frequently. Only this will help the roots to get proper nourishment and help the hair grow long and strong.