The highest intensity interval training is one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight effectively. Doing a well planned HIIT workout can help you lose weight at home better than the gym. You can go for the HIIT workouts to get rid of stubborn fat in a healthy and effective way.
The HIIT workout has to be combined with utmost dedication, planned diet and loads will power. This workout works so well because this workout routine involves rigorous workout for 30 seconds and resting for 45 seconds if considered each minute.
This is one of the best workout routines that will help you shed those extra kilos within less time. However, the HIIT workout may require some equipment and props.
Some of the exercises that are included in HIIT workout routine is:
1) Kettlebell workout:
The kettlebell workout is easy and requires the kettlebell. Begin with standing straight and holding the kettlebell with your hands straight.
Now, bend down with your knees and push back the kettlebell across your legs. Pull it back and do 4 reps of the same.
2) Squats:
Squats are an important part of any weight loss workout routine. Do squats with your back straight and do 4 reps of the same.
3) High knee lift
Hold the dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Lift up your knees to your chest and lift the dumbbells along similar to your normal walking style. Do this for 5 minutes.
4) Heeltap:
Begin with standing straight and hold the dumbbells in your hand. Tap your right heel in front of you while raising your arms straight in the same direction. Repeat this on both of your heels and arms. Do 4 reps of each.
5) Side-step:
This is another easy and simple exercise that requires nothing but weights. Hold the weights in your hands and stand straight. Step your right foot out wide to the right side, and then bring the left foot in to meet it.
While you step ahead, raise your arms at the elbows in a reverse-fly motion. Repeat this on both sides for 90 seconds.
6) Knee lift with arm down:
Start with standing straight and your legs hip-width apart. Hold the weight in your hands and lift both of your arms straight. Now, lift right knee up to your chest and pull your arms down.
Do this on the other side and keep your core straight. Do this for 2 minutes and then rest.
7) Partial squat heel jack:
Begin by standing in a straight position with a weight in your hands. Bend your knees and open your arms to lift up your elbows into a reverse fly.
Then, tap the left heel out at a 45-degree angle and bring it back to normal position. Do the same with your right foot.
8) March out-in:
Stand in a straight position with your feet hip-width apart and arms bent. Leading with the right foot, march your feet outwards to the sides then back to the center, bending your arms as you move.
Do the same with the right leg and then repeat the round with the left leg.
9) Inchworm push up:
This is similar to your regular push up but is more intensive. The inchworm push-up is done by going into the regular plank position without bending your knees. Now, move your hands out until you are in a plank position before doing the actual push-up.
Walk your hands back to your feet, using your muscles to lift your hips up. Then, using your back muscles, come back to your normal position.
10) Windmill step:
Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your arms tangled towards the side. Now, circle your arms up overhead from the left to the right as you take the left leg back and place the right leg behind like that of a curtsy. Reverse the windmill step towards the other side and repeat.
These are some of the exercises that are done in a HIIT workout. Practice these and let us know the results!