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2 Weeks 6 Pack Abs Challenge

2 Weeks 6 Pack Abs Challenge

We would wish to show you these 2 Weeks 6 Pack Abs workout challenge that consists of easy but effective moves that will help sculpt a flat tummy. This challenge consists of effective exercises like genie abs, eagle abs, runaway abs, star abs, clock abs, hollow rocks, single-leg drops, and earthquakes. These exercises target your belly and strengthen your body.

2 Weeks 6 Pack Abs workout challenge

The main advantage of this training routine is that you simply don’t get to buy any special equipment or a gym membership. You’ll need just a yoga mat to start your workout and you’ll perform it everywhere including your house, your office, or outdoors. It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

1. Genie abs

Sit down on your butt only. Put your hands right top to every other at your chest level. Bring your knees together and squeeze the heels. Keep your spine straight, touch the toes on to the mat then lift the legs touching the arms together with your knees.

To make this a touch bit harder you’ll lower your upper body then come up.
You should be engaging your lower abs and also you’re going to feel your quads working. Always keep your knees together, toes pointed and your back straight.

Do this exercise for about one minute straight if you desire some amazing abs. Then rest for 10 seconds.

2. Eagle abs

Lie down on your back, bring your legs together and lift them from the mat. Bring your arms together ahead of your chest. Keep your tailbone and shoulders off the mat. Now bring your knees to your elbow, coerce a second and obtain back to the starting position.

For best results do that abs exercise for one minute then rests 10 seconds. to form it harder, pulse for 10 more seconds before you rest.

3. Runaway abs

Lie down on your back with shoulders off the mat. Put your hands behind your neck with elbows wide. Raise your legs to a 60 degrees angle to the ground and flutter your legs. Keep your lower back on the mat and your legs straight. Roll in the hay for a few minutes then rest 10 seconds.

4. Star abs

Bring your knees to your chest into a decent ball and hold them together with your hands. Then reach long together with your hands and legs wide open a bit like a star. Return to the starting position. To urge those amazing abs you would like to repeat this exercise for one minute straight. Then you’ll rest 5-10 seconds.

To make it harder, lift your back from the mat once you enter the “ball” position.

5. Clock abs

Pretend that you’re at the beach and need to urge tan. So come down on your elbows, lift your chest and lengthen your neck. Keep your legs together and straight together with your toes pointing to the ceiling. Pretend that your toes are at 12 o’clock. Bring them right down to 3 o’clock, then to 6, to 9 and back to 12 o’clock. Then move your legs counterclockwise.

Remember to stay your shoulders far away from your ears. Perform this exercise for one minute and you’ll get amazing abs.

6. Hollow rock

Lie down on your back, bring your hands together over your head and cross the ankles. Lift pretending that you’re a banana (with shoulders and legs off the mat). Now balance your body from your back to your butt. Do that for one minute.

7. Single leg drop

Lie down on your back together with your hands behind your tailbone and convey your legs up to the ceiling. This is often your starting position. Now bring one leg down then bring it up. Then do an equivalent together with your other leg.

Again, perform these moves for a moment straight. Your amazing abs will start to create and you’ll feel this in your lower abs.

To make it harder, change your starting position. Bring your legs just a touch bit above the ground. One leg goes up to the ceiling, then comes down and alter legs.

8. The earthquake

We do the earthquake because at now of the workout you’re getting to shake involuntarily

So stand down on your butt with legs straight on the ground and arms straight, palms facing one another. Keep your back straight at 90 degrees to the ground. This is often your starting position. To finish this earthquake exercise, bring your upper body to a lower position (50-60 degrees to the floor) and hold there as long as you’ll.

To make it harder lift your hands above your head.

Now that you simply have the simplest exercises to create those amazing abs, all you would like is a quarter-hour per week. Or maybe half-hour if you’ve decided to figure out on your abs 2 times every week.

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