
15 Best Hair Care Tips Every Woman Should Know


Who does not desire shiny and smoother hair? I’m sure as a woman,here are few Hair Care Tips all of us have hated or felt insecure about our several times in our life. Every day our hair is exposed to many environmental and other factors that influence its appearance and health.

It is important to take care of our hair and follow these Hair Care Tips. It might seem difficult to keep up with the everyday pollution and protect our hair from daily sun / UV rays damage. However, you need not panic and worry about your hair anymore.

Here some basic Hair Care Tips every woman should know to have healthy hair:

1) Healthy Diet :

I know I have repeated this in a lot of my articles but yes, there’s no other thing that affects your hair as much as your diet does. Food plays a vital role in defining the texture of your hair and makes it shinier. Therefore, make sure you include loads of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

2) Chose Haircare home-remedies over chemical treatments :

Indeed, there is no wrong in choosing chemical treatments but letting your hair bear the burden of chemicals might slowly damage your hair. Instead of going for chemical treatment for hair loss, go for home-remedies such as eggs and onion juice that contain numerous beneficial proteins required for your hair. Do not go for chemical hair treatments frequently.

3) Use Good Products :

Go for hair products that are sulfate and paraben-free. Make sure the hair care products you use on a daily basis do not contain excessive chemicals. You can also go for shampoos or oils that are herbal and contain essential oils.

4) Go for Shampoo+Condtioner :

Shampoo always goes best with conditioner. It is recommended by several hair care experts and stylists that conditioning your hair can improve the texture of your hair and give it a smoother finish.

5) Oil Your Hair Atleast Once :

Oiling your hair is one of the most underrated tips to enhance hair growth. It is recommended that one should at least oil your once a week or two weeks. You can oil your hair using either olive oil or coconut oil mixed with any essential oils.

6) Treat Damaged Hair :

It is completely natural to experience hair damage with time. But, it is preferable to not leave them as such. Instead, one should treat hair by using hair care cream, use ammonia-rich hair oils, herbal products, etc to treat the damage.

7) Cut those split ends :

Split ends can prevent your hair from further growth and even damage it. Hence, to get rid off split ends you can go for a trim or a professional hair cut.

8) Don’t bleach your hair often :

Bleaching your hair often can cause severe hair damage. Make sure that there is a gap of 2 weeks to 2 months between your bleaching treatments.

9) Use hair serum :

Using Hair Serum for frizzy and damaged hair is one of the best ways to keep your hair healthy. Use a few drops and apply it to the ends of your hair. Repeat this often and see amazing results

10) Not Brushing Your Wet Hair :

Brushing your while they’re wet can cause severe hair loss. Make sure you dry your hair before you grab that brush!

11) Don’t go for extreme hairstyles often :

It is okay to style your hair often. An amazing hairstyle enhances your physical appearance. But make sure you don’t go harsh or chose extreme hairstyles on a daily basis. Give your hair rest and be polite to them.

12) Don’t Dye Frequently :

It is okay to dye your hair but remember that dyeing your repeatedly without any gap may cause severe damage. Make sure there is a gap of at least 1-2 weeks between your dying rituals.

13) Avoid Wearing Your Hair High:

Do not go for hairstyles that require your hair to be held in high ponytails often. It may cause split ends and hair loss.

14) Wash your hair at least twice a week:

It is not a good idea to go without washing hour hair for several days. It is recommended to wash your hair at least twice a week for amazing hair health.

15) Maintain your weight and Exercise :

Obesity, weight loss, and hormonal imbalance can also cause severe hair loss. Make sure you exercise regularly and ave a properly balanced diet daily.

I hope these tips prove to be helpful. If so, do let us know in the comment section.

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