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11 Health Benefits of Sex ( That Have Nothing To Do With An Orgasm )


There are many health benefits of sex that you can’t even imagine and all these health benefits have nothing to do with an orgasm.

Have a look at the health benefits of sex:

1. If you are having s good sex or a good sex life then it will keep you healthy as good sex life means good health. If you are suffering from any problem related to your health then you may get rid of that problem if you have a good sex life.

2. Another benefit that you can’t even imagine is that sex helps you in kicking your kidney stone to the curb and you will be able to get off that problem very easily. Sex will help you in getting rid of your kidney stone by just kicking it to the curb.

3. Sex also helps you in boosting your mood if you are very stressed and not in a good mood. If you are feeling sad then sex will help you in boosting your mood and keeping you healthy and happy.

4. If you are suffering from the problem of migraines then you can get relief from this pain by having sex. This is also another benefit which is provided by sex to you. You will get relief from this problem and you will be able to get rid of it very fast by sex.

5. If you are suffering from a cold then you will also get rid of it by having sex. Sex will help you in preventing cold. The common cold will automatically vanish by having sex.

6. As you know that menstrual cramps are very much painful and the best thing is that you can easily get rid of these cramps by having sex as sex will help you in getting rid of the pain of menstrual cramps.

7. It is a very common problem that every woman faces in which they pee whenever they jump or laugh loud and you can just get rid of this problem by having sex. Sex will help incontinence.

8. Sex will also help you fall asleep very easily if you are a night owl and you are not able to sleep at night at all. So, sex will help you in falling asleep which is the best thing. After sex, the estrogen level in the body of women will increase and this will help them in falling asleep very early.

9. Sex will also help you in reducing the risk of heart disease. There will be fewer chances of heart diseases for you after having sex. Sex is a type of exercise that will help you in reducing the risk of heart disease and many other diseases.

10. After having sex, you will not only feel energetic but also you will find that you are looking younger and you will feel younger for a very long time.

11. Sex will also help you in boosting your brainpower. The power of your brain will increase, improve or boost by having sex.

So, these are some of the health benefits of sex which you should know and these all health benefits have nothing to do with an orgasm.

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